Cannes Lions
McCANN LIMA, Lima / COCA-COLA / 2017
Through social media We asked people to take a selfie with an empty coke bottle, and tweet it with the hashtag #RetweetMeWithaRefill
After some minutes, Coca-Cola retweeted the selfies with the following message:
Hi, we retweeted you with a refill. In our retweet people found a gif that refill their bottles. At the end, it showed a coupon that gives them a free Coca-Cola at different points.
During a whole month a team of designers and community managers worked 8 hours a day (from 8am to 4pm) picking and retouching people’s selfies. They invested around 8 minutes on each one.
Our action was promoted daily on social media and through Coca Cola’s radio.
With this simple real time action, we obtained brand exposition in an completely organic way equivalent to filling the internet with thousands of banners.
On top of that, we were as hot as the summer, becoming a trending topic for over five weekends.
And what’s more important, we made sure people got a greater satisfaction from a retweet, and a more refreshing summer.
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