Cannes Lions


BUNGALOW25, Madrid / SONY / 2013

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Case Film
Case Film
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We created the Parrot Training Camp, a place were we would be training 20 parrots from different species to reach our goal: to have them as the advertising medium of the film and announce 'The Pirates!' were coming to our country. We sent a press release communicating our initiative, together with videos before and after so that they could see how the parrots were doing during their training. The final goal was to take them to the streets and have them make the announcement of the launch. The action would finish in the press conference where one of our parrots would sit next to the actors doing the voices of the characters, just like another protagonist. The animal had a microphone to say to the press what it knew best: pirates!


The use parrots as advertising media turned into news. It reached 12.300 useful results in searchers. Dozens of TV appearances, radio and national press... Thousands of blogs in the world talked about it. And, thanks to this repercussion, we placed Spain as the third country in movie savings.

And it all happened without the parrots opening their beak. Because none of them managed say a single word.


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