Spikes Asia

“The Power of One Finger”


Presentation Image
Case Film
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In Indonesia, there is a big percentage of people that are not aware of their phones’ full potential beyond social media. Data shows that 61% of phone users still believe that social media equals the internet (Source: Geopoll study, 2015)

The campaign aims to highlight how everyday life can be made easy with Google Assistant. By simply long-pressing the home button with one finger, Google Assistant can readily help in the local language - Bahasa Indonesia. From opening other apps, navigate, set alarm and call someone.

The objective of this campaign is to make the Google Assistant as Indonesians’ daily companion to help them get things done on their smartphones--and the Internet--more easily, focusing on several key results:

1. Driving Google Assistant’s awareness

2. Driving trials of retention-driving use cases

3. Driving usage on a daily basis


Whether you’re looking to set an alarm, navigate to the office, call someone, open apps or do any other task, Google Assistant is the easiest way to get things done. Simply talk to your Assistant and it’ll help you simplify and magically do things on your smartphone easier. A million actions made easier - just long-press the home button and Make Google Do It for you.

The contrast between the amazing capability of Assistant to how easy it is to launch it became the main message of our campaign. And to demonstrate it, our plan was to list all the different tasks that Google Assistant can do by asking one simple question: “What can one finger do?”

This question launched a campaign that leveraged multiple touch points to demonstrate the app capabilities. We contextualise the message for each creative material based on the media used, audience, location and moment.


Our audience are the early adopters, the people who have the biggest tendency to try out new technology, are first jobbers and university students. They lead busy lives and therefore value solutions that can simplify their day. They enjoy exploring new technology but can be put off when they aren’t comfortable or confident with how to interact with it.

By using voice as a way to interact, Google Assistant facilitates a friendlier and more natural smartphone experience, encouraging users to explore more of what their phone can offer.

What was unique about this campaign is that we produced a wide variety of materials to illustrate the many different tasks people can do with Google Assistant, using a diverse mix of media that include TV spots, program partnerships, social media influencer partnerships, banner ads, social media ads, and ambient media. All contextualised based on media, audience, location and moment.


To introduce the campaign, a series of 17-second spots were developed dramatising relevant daily pain points for Indonesians and demonstrated how Google Assistant can help, such as replying to a text while eating, providing directions with Google Maps, making a call during a hectic situation, and many more.

In addition, Google collaborated with The East, a popular TV drama, which demonstrated relevant daily use cases into the plot of the show.

Outdoors, a series of digital billboards were launched across busy intersections inspired by different use cases that are relevant to those driving.

We did the same thing for train commuters by putting relevant messages within the train.

We launched contextualised bumpers and banners according to different passion-points.

We also partnered with an iconic band whose song was used as soundtrack for our videos to highlight how the Assistant can help in daily activities to further drive conversations on social.


Across all touch points, we demonstrated more than 70 different actions that users can implement with Google Assistant.

In Indonesia, digital assistants is a very nascent category with extremely low penetration levels. But, Google Assistant had the upper hand by being the only digital assistant that speaks and understands Bahasa Indonesia.

The omni-channel strategy helped achieve an increase of unaided awareness of 10%, Daily Active Users by a whopping 400% and the number of Daily Queries by 52%.

The surge in new users brought in by the campaign made it the most efficient Assistant launch for Google globally.

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