Cannes Lions

The Return

AMAZON, Seattle / AMAZON / 2019

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Amazon launched in Mexico in 2015, since then the brand has focused on establishing in the marketplace through a continuous wave of media campaigns. 2018 was the third year in a row for Amazon having presence during Hot Sale, and the goal for 2018 was to surpass the results from 2017 in terms of customer acquisition and sales, standing out from its main competitors during this Deal event, which is gaining more and more relevance in Mexico every year.

For Q2 and Q3 2018 Amazon ran two big campaigns with different objectives:

• Fundamentals Q1-Q3: Increase Brand Awareness.

• Hot Sale: Increase Sales and new customer acquisition during this event.

The purpose was to plan and execute both campaigns holistically and as a complement to each other, to keep driving Amazon’s growth in Mexico, which is a key marketplace; by increasing penetration and brand awareness to acquire new costumers.


E-commerce keeps growing in Mexico. However, there still are many barriers that keep them away from E-commerce, like lack of trust, insecurity regarding personal data, ignorance about payment methods that make physical stores remain as a key component for retailers’ sales strategy. Therefore, the opportunity for Amazon to establish in Mexico as the leader of the category was to break down the main e-commerce barriers and make people trust and enjoy the benefits of shopping online.

What a better way to do it, than through a Telenovela story, the most relevant TV genre for Mexicans, and told by one of the most iconic Telenovela villains in Mexico during the 90’s, Paola Bracho. The combination of the message, the right approach and the use of the right media channels would be the best equation for this campaign.


The strategic approach in media was designed under a “Filling the Funnel” model. The first task was to reach the target audience through mass media channels with high penetration and affinity (TV and Digital) to drive massive awareness. Once the core message was amplified, the second task was to identify High Quality Audiences in Digital. This definition corresponds to those users, who based on their online recurrent behavior and interests, are more likely to convert and try Amazon once driven to the site.


Implementation: TV, Radio, Press, Digital, OOH, DOOH

Timeline: Fundamentals Q2: April 9th - May 6th, Hot Sale Q2: May 21st - June 1st , Fundamentals Q3: Aug 20th – Sept 14th

Scale: National MX


Reach: Fundamentals Q2: April 9th – Rch1+ 84.2%, Hot Sale Q2: Rch1+ 93.3% , Fundamentals Q3: Rch1+ 85.1%

Engagement: 6.81%

Due to confidentiality, Amazon can't share sales results or achievements against business targets. But, we promise, the results were outstanding!

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