Cannes Lions



Case Film
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To celebrate Kenya's 50 years of independence we sent a bottle of Kenya's finest to one of Kenya's finest sons all the way in London. Carried by over 50 Kenyans who worked in teams to relay through Africa and Europe they not only delivered a beer to a brother, but also to showed the world that a little bit of Kenya can go a long, long way.

Tusker Lager (Number 1 beer in Kenya) Kenya's 50th anniversary of independence presented the perfect opportunity showing Kenyan’s their greatness, after some confidence crushing years . A common goal united them. Giving Kenyan’s a mission to get them believing, with some fun: Help get a Tusker Lager to national hero, Humphrey Kayange, in London. Humphrey, captain of Kenyan sevens rugby team studies in London far from the independence celebrations. Kenyans joined the mission taking a taste of home to their homesick brother, joining 25 East African celebrities on a journey through 8 countries, 2 continents, a journey that would become Africa’s most epic reality show. 25 Kenyans were chosen, joining celebrities, group of 50 relayed the Tusker bottle through deserts, mountains, cities, rivers, seas, snow and more. Supported via Kenyans on social media, 50 days departure, the final team arrived in London, handed the Tusker over to Humphrey Kayange.


We launched with an announcement of the mission across TV, radio, press, digital (mobile), social media and PR on Independence Day. Then moved into recruitment using the same media to drive people to enter via a mobile platform. We then promo’d the TV show until it launched with a live broadcast and over the course of the show people engaged largely via the show and social media.


In the first 45 mins (1st episode), Twende Kazi garnered 17 million twitter impressions and became the number one trending subject for the duration. 116 million overall.

- It garnered US$2.5 million in earned PR for Tusker’s new Twende Kazi positioning.

It garnered US$2.5 million in earned PR for Tusker’s new Twende Kazi positioning.

- 56% ROI.

Showed Kenyans that a little bit of Kenya can go along way.

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