Cannes Lions

Unboxing the Google Store to the world

ESSENCE, London / GOOGLE / 2016

Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image






Our idea was to create the mother of all boxes to unbox. Enormous, beautiful, bespoke boxes containing all the Google Store’s flagship products. Boxes that would amaze and delight even the most popular YouTube celebrities - people who receive free swag every day.


We created hand-made, big, beautiful boxes that contained the absolute best of the Google Store. We then approached four YouTube celebrities who align with our target’s various interests, from beauty to family. Then, we sent the packages and asked our stars to record their unboxing.

The boxes featured an array of products - and were opened by an array of personalities.

The videos launched the day before Thanksgiving, a major retail moment. Views skyrocketed into the millions, with social sharing driving huge added reach on top of our paid media investment. In fact, the videos became some of the most viewed and liked posts on our YouTuber’s channels.


The reactions spoke for themselves...but most importantly, robust analysis showed that people who saw the videos were 38% more likely to be aware of the Google Store, and 50% more likely to prefer it over other online retailers, compared to a control group drawn from the same audience.

In short, we lifted the lid off the Google Store and unboxed it to the world.

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