Outdoor > Ambient & Experiential
Cultural / Context information for the jury
• “When We All Vote” is a nonpartisan voter rights organization co-founded by former First Lady Michelle Obama, with a clear mission to increase voter participation, change the culture around voting and close the race voting gap.
• In the U.S., citizens first need to register before they can cast their vote at federal, state and local elections. 1 in 5 Americans is currently not registered, a percentage that represents at least 51 million eligible U.S. citizens.
• During the 2020 Election, it was not only the President who was up for election. State Senators, Congress Representatives, Judges, and many local positions were also on the ballot.
Write a short summary of the ambient work.
When righteous anger over the murder of George Floyd brought millions out in the streets, many buildings and stores started barricading their windows with plywood boards. It wasn’t long before those plain plywood boards became canvases for local residents and artists to voice their frustrations, hopes and cries for change.
We selected the most striking plywood boards—seen by many as symbols of destruction—and transformed them into tools to take concrete action: voting booths. The collection of booths was then turned into an impactful exhibition that traveled to dozens of Chicago’s Black and Brown neighborhoods, to inspire residents to create systemic change through the power of their vote. The booths also initiated the crucial first step in the voting process: registration, through a simple smartphone scan.
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