Outdoor > Ambient & Experiential
AFRICA DDB, Sao Paulo / FOLHA DE S. PAULO / 2021
Cultural / Context information for the jury
Disinformation and fake news are the biggest threats to our society today, as they undermine the capacity for social mobilization around relevant issues. The greatest example of this, perhaps, is the confrontation of the covid pandemic, which in several countries of the world is being threatened by false information that compromises the security of all.
We witnessed inert and passive scrapping of professional journalism by search engines on the Internet that unduly takes over the content made by vehicles that invested time and money in this information without being properly remunerated.
Some reactions, however, are already outlined. But they are still timid attempts like the European one to close conduct agreements between search engines and newspapers, exclusively niche to that continent.
Therefore, we decided to design a project to expand the discussion about the value of professional journalism and the need to recognize the role of independent media.
Write a short summary of the ambient work.
We decided to show how truth has never been worth so much.
The solution was to be direct: professional journalism is so valuable that it should be printed like money. In this way, we print our newspaper in the same place where the national currency is made, with all the respective validation and verification mechanisms: paper money, holographic seal, serial number, and raised inscriptions.
We recruited opinion leaders from the most expressive segments of society - politics, arts, culture, economics, sports, finance, and, of course, the press - who received copies of our newspaper and promoted a productive discussion around the importance of free media in the fight not only disinformation but also extremism and mass manipulation.
This special edition has also been shown at bus stops in the city of São Paulo.
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