Media > Data


OGILVY AUSTRALIA, Melbourne / AAMI / 2022


Gold Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Media?

In Australia, driving distances are huge. That’s why it’s important to stop and rest to decrease your chances of fatigue. AAMI RestTowns is a data informed, targeted media, road safety initiative encouraging young drivers to stop and rest every 2 hours in rural Aussie towns. Using AAMI’s Crash Index data, we identified the longest and most dangerous stretches of road and selected specific country towns where young drivers could stop and rest. Then used Facebook, Spotify, Waze and Tik-Tok to connect in real-time; combining geo, time and in-car data targeting to encourage them to stop in an AAMI RestTown.


Situation: Fatigue is the third biggest killer on Australian roads. Our country has some of the longest driving distances in the world. That’s why authorities recommend stopping to rest every 2 hours for at least 15 minutes. Young drivers are the most at risk, because they tend to power through to their destination without stopping to rest.

Brief: AAMI, Australia’s leading motor insurance company, knows accident numbers spike over the summer holidays, as young drivers hit the road on long road trips. Our challenge was to create a road safety campaign to encourage young Aussies to stop and rest particularly on the longest and most dangerous stretches of road.

Objectives: Making Australians safer is at the heart of everything AAMI does. We thought it was time for an innovative solution to make young drivers a little safer and help reduce the number of accidents over the easter holidays.

Describe the creative idea / insights

AAMI RestTowns is a data-informed, targeted media, road safety initiative, encouraging young drivers on long road trips to stop and rest in a rural Australian town every 2 hours.

Every year, AAMI collects comprehensive data from thousands of road accidents across Australia, into their AAMI Crash Index. Using this data, we identified the longest and most dangerous stretches of road and selected specific rural towns where young drivers could stop and rest, based on their local attractions. Rural towns in need of visitors and business after extended lockdowns.

Using Facebook interest-based targeting we created geo-targeted digital travel guides based on their location, with a link to a personalised Spotify 2-hour road trip playlist.

When our young drivers hit the road, we combined geolocation, time-based and in-car targeting to serve them ‘rest alerts’, along with local incentives to encourage them to stop in our AAMI RestTowns.

Describe the strategy

AAMI data revealed a weakness in insurance sales to young drivers. However, Australians under 30 are most likely to have a fatal car crash. They represent 62% of all fatigue related deaths but are only 15% of the licensed driver population.

To make matters worse, young Australians are notoriously hard to reach, especially through any kind of traditional, road safety communications.

Small towns along popular road trip routes are a perfect place to break and are often overlooked. We brought these local treasures to the fore, using smart data and targeted media to inspire young drivers to stop, support fellow Aussies and discover a hidden gem.

Rather than blanketing road safety messages that are easy to forget, AAMI RestTowns targeted our audience at the right time and the right place with the right incentive.

It made perfect sense to partner with Facebook, Spotify, Waze and Tik-Tok to deliver our messages.

Describe the execution

Using AAMI’s Crash Index Data, we identified the longest and most dangerous stretches of road and selected 52 country towns where young drivers could stop and rest.

First, using Facebook interest-based data targeting, we delivered geo-targeted travel guides promoting our AAMI RestTowns, with a link to a Spotify 2-hour road trip based on their chosen route and location.

In real-time, when our young drivers hit the road, our algorithm suggested just the right attraction or the right incentive at the right time, combining geolocation, time-based and in-car targeting using Spotify, Waze and Tik-Tok to safely serve them ‘rest alerts’.

We based our messages on their interest’s data, like coffee, food, landscapes or shopping; along with local attractions and incentives to encourage them to stop.

AAMI RestTowns launched on 1 April 2021, just before the Australian Easter Holidays.

The scale of this campaign was national, running over 4 Australian states.

List the results

AAMI RestTowns delivered the following results:

+35 Million social impressions.

+8 Million young drivers reached.

29% reduction in motor accident claims during campaign period.

5,466 KM of road covered. Longer than LA to NYC or Lisbon to Moscow.

52 AAMI RestTowns established.

47% brand consideration, the highest we’ve seen since 2018.

+5% point uplift in NSW

+3% point uplift in VIC

27% of young Australians believe that AAMI meets their needs, +3% the year prior. 26% brand love which is +4% points ahead of our closest competitor.

The targeted media that we ran saw us achieve good scale with great context relevance:

Tik Tok reached 21.7M impressions, 110K clicks, 521k Interactions.

Facebook reached +7.7M impressions.

Spotify reached +6M impressions to those en-route.

Waze reached +1.5M impressions to those en-route.

Spotify in car and dynamic audio achieved 100% completion rates.

YouTube reached +3M Views.

Describe the use of data, or how the data enhanced the work

Using AAMI’s Crash Index Data, we identified the longest and most dangerous stretches of road and selected 52 country towns where young drivers could stop and rest, based on their local attractions.

Using Facebook interest data, we identified young drivers who were most likely to go on a road trip and delivered geo-targeted travel guides promoting our AAMI RestTowns, with a link to a personalised Spotify 2-hour road trip based on their chosen route and location.

Then, we integrated Spotify, Waze and Tik-Tok data, combining geolocation, time-based, interests and in-car targeting to safely serve them ‘rest alerts’.

In real-time, when our young drivers hit the road, our algorithm suggested just the right attraction or the right incentive at the right time. We based all our messages on their interest’s data, like coffee, food, landscapes or shopping; along with local attractions and incentives to encourage them to stop.

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