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Bronze Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Social & Influencer?

Since – according to an old nazi law - doctors in Germany have to keep quiet and don't offer any serious information about abortion, others have to do it. And it has never been as easy as it is today: Sharing films, sharing facts, downloading a participation pack, printing flyers - by enabling anyone to be an ambassador, we ensure that the important information gets where it is urgently needed.


During the Nazi tyranny, women in Germany were hardly more than birthing machines for the nation. Abortions were forbidden and information was concealed. Shortly after the takeover, in 1933, the Nazis passed a law that forbade doctors from publicly informing people about the methods and risks of abortion: Paragraph 219a.

In the meantime, the image of women has fortunately changed significantly. The country has been ruled by a woman since 2005. Women decide for themselves about their professional success and their bodies. With one exception: section 219a still applies today. Doctors are not allowed to inform the public, otherwise they face a fine or even imprisonment. Unwillingly pregnant women don't get the information they need and there's a lot of misinformation circulating on the internet about the procedure of an abortion. The aim was to recall the questionable paragraph and encourage a majority to abolish it.

Describe the creative idea

Since paragraph 219a of the German Penal Code prohibits doctors in Germany from providing public information about the methods and risks of abortion - but not any other non-professional person - we are making non-doctors and absolute laypeople the ambassadors of our campaign.

This way, we beat the paragraph with its own weapons and give unintentionally pregnant women the important information they need. Apart from doctors who perform abortions, anyone can take part - any car mechanic, any butcher, any baker, etc.

Describe the strategy

Even before the campaign started, it was clear that we wanted to achieve more than awareness. We wanted the information, which is otherwise difficult to obtain publicly, to be shared by a broad mass.

Therefore, everyone should be able to take on the role of a multiplicator. Shop owners should share information directly in their businesses. Members should share it in their associations. Content creators should be able to produce their own videos with more ready-made texts, and users on the net should be able to share all our films and facts with their community on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or YouTube in the easiest way possible.

Describe the execution

The campaign was rolled out via a landing page and social media. On the landing page, users could download an engagement package and become active themselves. In addition, flyers and information sheets could be downloaded and proactively distributed in one's own association, company or institution. Unwanted pregnant women could also find serious information about abortion on the website.

The focus of the campaign was on Instagram and Facebook. Awareness was created via the official Terre des Femmes channel with the help of campaign films and animated medical facts that could be shared directly on one's own Instagram or Facebook profile. Politically engaged influencers supported the campaign and brought the topic into the appropriate political environment. The topic was also reactivated and discussed on Twitter. The protagonists of the films also acted as multipliers and carried the campaign into their own communities.

List the results

Politically motivated influencers quickly joined the campaign, created their own content to activate their communities and brought the topic into the appropriate political environment.

The protagonists of the films also acted as multipliers and carried the campaign into their own communities.

Within 2 weeks of the campaign launch, we achieved 16k engagement and a potential reach of 180 million with a particularly high conversion rate on Twitter, which speaks to the political relevance of the issue (75% of all pieces (both posts and articles) took place here).

Among those who retweetet was the most prominent representative of the physicians affected by this paragraph, Kristina Hänel, who was recently denounced and sentenced.

Representatives of the Social Democratic Party immediately made positive reference to the campaign and assured to prioritize the issue on the agenda of the next party conference. The Liberal Democratic Party also shared the campaign.

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