Social and Influencer > Social Insights & Engagement




Bronze Cannes Lions
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Demo Film
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Why is this work relevant for Social & Influencer?

Cause related films often feature a living influencer who advocates for the cause. But we wanted to bring back Joaquin Oliver, who was murdered at the Parkland school shooting, so he could urge people to vote for gun safety in a film nobody could ignore.


Who will fight for gun safety harder than those killed by guns?

Gun violence kills 40,000 people in the US every year. That’s thousands of lost votes that could help elect gun-sense politicians.

In 2018, Joaquin Oliver was killed in a horrific mass shooting in Parkland, Florida. The 2020 election would have been the first year he could have voted. Working with his parents and revolutionary AI technology, we brought Joaquin back to life digitally to deliver a message to all those who haven’t registered to vote yet.

The film showed Joaquin pleading for viewers to vote for him because he can’t vote himself. It drove viewers to where people could replace his vote and those of other gun violence victims.

Describe the creative idea

In 2018, Joaquin Oliver was killed in a horrific mass shooting in Parkland, Florida. The 2020 election would have been the first year he could have voted. Working with his parents and revolutionary AI technology, we brought Joaquin back to life digitally to deliver a message to all those who haven’t registered to vote yet.

The film showed Joaquin pleading for viewers to vote for him because he can’t vote himself. It drove viewers to where people could replace his vote and those of other gun violence victims. The site adapted dynamically, so when people pledged their vote for a victim the entire site experience and social content became personalized per that victim’s story. You could even upload your own lost loved one to the site.

Describe the strategy

Michigan was decided by 10,704 votes in 2016. New Hampshire by 2,736. Nevada by 27,202. Meanwhile, we lose 40,000 people to gun violence every year. Imagine what those 40,000 voters could do to change an election.

So we were targeting all potential voters in the United States. plus advocates for gun safety reform. And brought back to life someone they could not ignore. Joaquin Oliver, who was murdered in the 2018 school shooting in Parkland, Florida.

The film showed Joaquin pleading for viewers to vote for him because he can’t vote himself. It drove viewers to where people could replace his vote and those of other gun violence victims.

Describe the execution

There are many deep fakes out there. They’re made by training an AI with thousands of photos at every angle, with all sorts of different lighting and expressions.

But what do you do when you don’t have all those images? What do you do when your subject was murdered in a school shooting when they were just a teen?

We brought back Joaquin Oliver, one of the victims of the Parkland school shooting, so he could urge people to vote for sensible gun safety in a film nobody could ignore. But without the right imagery, we had to create an entirely new AI process. Since we didn’t have many pictures of Joaquin’s face, we trained our AI with thousands of other faces and expressions.

Using what the AI knew about facial mapping, it extrapolated from our few images of Joaquin and combined them, creating a detailed rendering of his face.

List the results

The results were incredible:

Over 2.4 million views in 24 hours of launch.

Global broadcast news coverage.

#1 trending topic on Fox News.

And over 1,290 pro gun-sense politicians elected in 2020.

We even received a personal message from President Joe Biden.

Most importantly, on the 3rd anniversary of the Parkland Shooting, President Biden announced in Congress that he is demanding commonsense gun law reforms, including requiring background checks on all gun sales, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on American streets.

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