Social and Influencer > Social Insights & Engagement




Bronze Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Social & Influencer?

We gave Earth its own voice on Twitter for the first time and gave real purpose to what it had to say. By accessing data on wildfires, temperature, air quality and CO2 levels from satellites and weather monitoring systems around the world, we managed to create messages with geolocation of the problematic and people and organizations responsible for them. The earth itself created the conversation on social media and became its own influencer with the goal of preventing more natural disasters.


All the natural disasters that we witness are more than that, it´s planet earth trying to communicate with us a message in the form of hurricanes, glacial melt, highest or lowest temperatures ever, sandstorms, and all sorts of natural phenomena. And what is the message behind this? planet earth telling us to stop sending plastic to the oceans, to stop starting fires in the Amazon forest, in Australia, the Patagonia or California, to reduce the air pollution that deteriorates the ozone layer, so we can care for the air we all breathe. All of this is what planet Earth is trying to make us aware of with its language. Even worse, that information is sometimes kept in secret or manipulated.

For all of these reasons it was about time to get the message straight, so we can take action and take care of the earth, before it is too late.

Describe the creative idea

We gave earth its own Twitter account, yes, it´s very own social media account: @EarthIsSaying but before we synchronized it with satellites and environmental monitoring systems around the world. Using Machine Learning, we converted live data from floods, forest fires, record temperatures and CO2 levels, into tweets from the earth in real time. That way earth itself, without human intervention and with precise data made its health condition a trend among its inhabitants and leaders around the world. Using social media as never before reaching younger generations and creating not only a conversation, but a trigger to act before it´s too late.

Describe the strategy

We needed to reach out to a non-environmentalist newer generation, in a distinctive way to encourage with Greenpeace their real concern for the planet. To achieve it we created the first Twitter account for the earth that sends messages without human intervention. An account aimed to make entities, personalities and local and national governments, see everything the planet is going through at the exact time that environmental alerts for fires, floods, CO2 levels and air quality, are happening. All of this messages to help them take action and find solutions that build everyone’s care for our environment.

Describe the execution

After identifying the sources of data on the different topics and configurating the correct parameters; the algorithm determines the frequency and/or triggers that generate alarms according to the sources. According to the alert, it determines the message to be sent, tagging the people or institutions that should take action on it and the appropriate hashtags to be combined according to the matrix of predetermined configuration values. Once the process is made, it automatically sends a message from its twitter account once the alert is detected by the tool.

Developing an automated system of generation of messages tweet type based on analysis and parameterization of answers of known sources related to earth monitoring, we not only impact the environmental audience, but also generate consciousness in the new generations that are so engaged in social networks to which Greenpeace wanted to reach in a new, different, and disruptive way.

List the results

Results on Earth’s day:

• + 161 MM impressions

• Trending topic in an hour on launch date

• 43 countries interacted:

Colombia, España, Chile, Argentina, Bangladesh, Italy, Afghanistan, Japan, Indonesia, Nepal, Vietnam, China, Bulgaria, South Korea, Peru, Malasia, UAE, Iceland, India, Mexico, Russia, USA, Kuwait, Israel, Egypt, Singapur, England, South Africa, Canada, Hungary, France, Iran, Uganda, Pakistan, Bahrein, Romania, Eslovaquia, Phillipines, Mongolia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Ghana.

• 12 languages tweeted

• Verified by Twitter – (Non human intervention account).

• 570 early alerts generated on potential natural disasters

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