Digital Craft > DATA


GROW, Norfolk / GOOGLE / 2016


Silver Cannes Lions
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In today’s connected world, 87% of shopping research happens online, yet 92% of goods are still purchased in stores. Many shoppers turn to Google to research products before they buy them, and Google wanted to make this shopping data more useful and accessible for retailers to help them connect with their consumers.

Shopping Insights unlocks the power of Google Shopping search data for retailers around the country, helping them uncover trends and insights about how consumers shop for the products they carry. Retailers can explore products by geography, time, and device in Material Design-inspired visualizations, and view interactive shopping stories that bring unique data insights to life. By better understanding users’ shopping intent online, retailers can make more informed local merchandising and marketing decisions for their stores.


Shopping Insights is the first tool that is able to unlock Google’s enormous amount of shopping search data for retailers around the country, helping them uncover trends and insights about how consumers shop for their products.

Colorful material design-inspired visualizations let retailers explore their products in depth. Users can view trends nationally, regionally, or in specific cities and towns, and can even see how these trends affect local shopping malls. They can also view consumer searches by customizable timeframes including popular shopping holidays such as Mother’s Day, Black Friday, and the Holiday season. At any point the user can also apply a device filter to see a breakdown of how consumer shopping behaviors change between mobile and desktop.

Going a step further than existing search trends tools, Shopping Insights combines relevant queries to provide reliable insights about products. For example, queries like Playstation 4, PS4, Playstation 4 price, Sony PS4 are all aggregated together to estimate the interest in the gaming console Sony Playstation 4. This aggregation is distilled into 5,500 of the most popular products for retailers to explore, with more on the way.

The tool also highlights unique product stories as they emerge. Each story features interactive data visualizations that allow retailers to dive deeper into seasonal topics and fast-rising products. For example, one story about how local weather affects product interest revealed that when rainfall levels increased dramatically in cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco in January due to El Niño, interest in Hunter boots increased significantly as well.

Using the diverse set of tools available, Shopping Insights allows retailers to dive deeper into products of interest and make inventory and marketing decisions based on the data and insights they uncover.

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