Titanium > Titanium
WIEDEN+KENNEDY, Portland / NIKE / 2021
Why is this work relevant for Titanium?
In a year where nothing was normal, the same could easily be said for our industry. Traditional routes to create work were shut down, but we still had to find a way to inspire—while utilizing very minimal on-set production, standing apart from the overflow of pandemic stock-footage films, and even creating a fresh way to use the footage. And all of it had to resonate with consumers—in a time when no one had much hope. This campaign spanned across three chapters which each contained unique methods to spread our message: You Can’t Stop Sport.
In 2020, the whole world was experiencing so much uncertainty and fear, suffering from a pandemic, social injustice, and a downward spiraling force of fake news.
With the absence of sports coming almost overnight, we didn’t have time for robust research. But if there’s one thing we’ve seen while working on Nike, it’s that athletes and sport find a way to push through.
Sports was the beacon of truth, proof, and inspiration the world needed. And Nike wanted to get people moving again, even if it were in their own homes. So we brought the strategic idea to life across several chapters throughout the year. The platform of You Can’t Stop Sport was designed to give sport back to everyone, and in doing so, offer people hope about what they could do immediately, or in the near future.
Describe the creative idea
Feature athletes, pro and amateur, to show how we all can push through one of the most trying periods of the last century. To inspire during times of a pandemic, isolation, and massive social injustice, we used a three-phase, global approach:
I. By playing inside, we play for a safer world.
II. We will have the greatest comeback of all time.
III. We are unstoppable through unity.
Describe the strategy
Nike’s primary audience is teens and young adults, 16-25 years old, but in 2020 we were talking to a much larger audience. Cities around the world were now trapped at home. Sport everywhere had been taken away. People, especially teens, had their lives turned inside out and upside down.
From ongoing research with youth athletes, we know that sport plays an empowering role in the lives of our primary audience. And in difficult times, sport becomes an even more valuable outlet for youth.
So with schools closed and tensions high across the globe, sport needed to rally hope, unite people together, and ignite a year of comebacks.
Describe the execution
The three messages were released globally with broadcast and digital placements. The first message released on April 8th, 2020 and the third released on July 30, 2020, each revealing a new dimension of “You Can’t Stop Sports.”
1,400+ influencers, athletes, organizations, and brands shared the campaign on social media.
510 Million+ global paid impressions (first 72 hours).
List the results
-180 Million+ Combined Views on YouTube alone.
-#1 for the Year, YouTube Ads Leaderboard.
-1.5 Billion Earned (Unpaid) Impressions.
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