Brand Experience and Activation > Product & Service


M:UNITED, New York / MICROSOFT / 2015

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Case Film
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Objective – Promote Microsoft’s brand image. Microsoft’s mission is to empower people to achieve great things. On International Women’s Day, Microsoft introduced Recruiting 2027, an initiative committed to empowering young girls with the love of science and technology, thereby promoting the brand’s philosophy and image through action.

Brief – Challenge gender stereotypes and inspire young girls to remain confident in their love of science.

Promotional platform – Recruiting 2027, an initiative aimed at bridging the gender gap in science and technology by connecting young applicants with female mentors within Microsoft.

Promotional/Branded content – An online video which directs viewers to an email address. Using the email, applicants are paired with female role models from Microsoft who volunteer to offer personal guidance to encourage and enable young girls interested in science and technology.


The Problem – Majority of high school girls are interested in science but quit because they feel discouraged or isolated, believing it to be a “boy’s thing.”

Our brief – Connect young applicants with female mentors within Microsoft.

The Strategy – Activate Microsoft as a community, not a company. Effect real change, by driving a commitment from within, employees volunteer to empower young girls everywhere to do great things.

The platform – Recruiting 2027, an initiative that connects aspiring applicants with female role models at Microsoft, who offer personal guidance to encourage and enable young girls interested in science and technology.


“My little sister, who is eight now, loves science. She spends her free time finding out how things work, and with science kits. I was a lot like her, but I was discouraged. We just saw your video, and she very proudly declared “That’s us!”

The results of Recruitment 2027 are not just measured, they are felt.

Microsoft received letters from girls around the world, each one unique yet all expressing a consistent theme – frustration with the status quo and gratefulness that Microsoft has not only opened a dialogue about gender inequality but has also opened a door.


• Over 5 million total video views across 195 countries



• 250,000 earned impressions

Brand Impact:

• +17% lift in ‘Brand I Love’

• +8% lift in ‘Microsoft is a brand for people like me’

• +8% lift in ‘brand favorability

• +7 lift in ‘Microsoft is a brand I trust’


Recruiting 2027 is an initiative that connects young applicants with female mentors within Microsoft.

We first created a video, “Girls Do Science,” with a powerful, provocative message and a call to action inviting girls to email Microsoft@Recruitment2027.

Along with a modest paid amplification budget of $150,000, the video was seeded to influencers, educational institutions, relevant media platforms and student advocates.

Almost immediately, the video was recognized and amplified across social media, sparking the conversation and generated the momentum needed to begin the journey of closing the gender gap by 2027.

Once girls emailed Microsoft, they immediately were paired with female role models who had volunteered to join the initiative.

The female mentors responded to the girls with personal letters and kicked off a long-term relationship of support and guidance. Recruiting 2027 is an ongoing initiative with responses still pouring in and conversation lasting weeks!

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