Glass: The Lion For Change > Glass: The Lion for Change



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Feminism has been a largely discussed topic in the American social, political, and cultural space. But not much has changed, and that’s because of our representatives in congress that have the ultimate power to influence laws. Feminists have taken to the streets marching with signs and protest slogans. But little has been done in the political space to close the wage gap, fight for LGBTQ+ rights, protect women’s rights to breastfeed in public, provide sex education to America’s youth, the list goes on. These individual issues are each important. Seeing the breadth of issues as a whole is crucial to understand the scale of the gender inequality problem at hand.


The Feminist Letters is a typeface created to amplify the message advocating for gender equality. Each letter and number is specifically designed with purpose, calling attention to the many issues of gender equality like equal pay, reproductive rights, women’s health, women in politics, and campus assault laws. Meant not to preach or yell but instead to educate, our typeface was created from the 26 unique issues of gender inequality to amplify our voices and be heard. When represented in complete typographic form, the font displays a truly inclusive image of feminism. We created a platform that makes contacting senators easier and more impactful – on, feminists can download the font, tweet their senators, learn about feminist issues, and make their voices heard in a typeface that really sends a message.


We created a fully functional, free for download illustrated .OFT font available on On the site, users input their information and directly tweeted to their representatives in the typeface. They could also learn surprising information about the feminist issues each letter stands for. Voters used the typeface to write letters, postcards, faxes, tweets and emails to their senators. Feminists across America marched with The Feminist Letters protest signs at the Women’s March where +3 million marched. At our NYC launch event, our feminist partners Women of Sex Tech, Bustle, Bow & Drape, Unbound, Butter & Scotch, YOLA Mezcal, and Terrorbird Media supported our cause and donated to Planned Parenthood of New York City. We blasted our message across social platforms - Feminists used our typeface to contact senators, communicate on social media, and the typeface was written about in media outlets across the world.


The Feminist Letters began at the Women’s March, where feminists across America marched with our letters. LuluLemon, a major sportswear brand, used our posters in storefronts during the Women’s March. On the official launch, The Feminist Letters font was picked up by feminists everywhere - It was adopted by partners Women of Sex Tech, Bustle, Bow & Drape, Unbound, Butter & Scotch, YOLA Mezcal, Terrorbird Media, female businesses, entrepreneurs, and influencers. Our launch party in NYC featured partners and collateral on behalf of Planned Parenthood of New York City.

The Feminist Letters was picked up by major editorial, design, and female publications, and was featured on a radio special on Radio Free Brooklyn. Feminist organizations across America adopted our font and threw political letter-writing parties using our font. We saw engagement on all social platforms - feminists, brands, and partners utilized our tool to create custom content with our typeface.


Feminists want to be heard, but phrases on protest posters can only do so much. We wanted to create a platform with a smaller barrier to entry, which allows voters to make their voices heard in a simple and impactful way. Feminist issues encompass far more than just the pay gap, so we included facts and votable issues as the driving force behind each topical letter. Our strategy is to arm feminist voters with an intelligent, symbolic typeface they can use in a flurry of ways, and to encourage them to make their voices heard and read to the policy makers of America. We partnered with the Women of Sex Tech and other feminist brands and entrepreneurs to benefit Planned Parenthood of New York City. These strategic partnerships drove our strategy and help propel women’s empowerment to better our system of women’s rights, health, and equality.


In America, women make 79 cents to a man’s dollar. That statistic has become well known, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg in the fight for gender equality. The topic of feminism is largely up for debate, with many fighting for equal, ethical treatment, and another collection of individuals denying the existence of a sexist and unjust system. Women are faced with often dangerous, unfair policies regarding healthcare and safety laws. The American political system is at the forefront of these issues, with too many lawmakers that refuse to listen. Instead of preaching the need for feminism, we sought to create a tool of communication – based in statistical evidence –directed to Congress’ representatives. We wanted to find a creative way to impact real change in an insightful way to make feminist voices heard, and ultimately make a difference in the political arena.

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