Pharma > Disease Awareness & Understanding


OTTO PRODUCTION, Helsinki / ROCHE / 2020

CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)
Case Film
Presentation Image




Why is this work relevant for Branded Content & Entertainment?

The interactive film, where the viewer has the possibility to decide, which one of the parallel narratives he/she watches, is a different and unique way to tell about different treatments for MS disease.


MS disease is still relatively unknown disease in Finland. Identifying the symptoms early is crucial, as the early diagnosis is the key for a good treatment. Also it is not too well known, that after the diagnosis there are different kind of treatments available. With this campaign Roche wanted to increase the awareness about MS disease, its symptoms and its different kinds of treatments.

Describe the creative idea

“The Two Lives of Sara", the interactive film on Multiple Sclerosis, tells the story of Sara’s life in two parallel realities – one where she gets a new treatment for MS, and another where she doesn’t.

Describe the strategy

The strategy was to increase the awareness about MS disease. To show - not to tell, what kind of symptoms the disease has, and how different kind of treatments might work. And the best way to achieve this, was to activate a passive audience by making them participants on the interactive experience.

Describe the execution

The execution is an interactive film, which tells the story of Sara’s life in two parallel realities – one where she gets a new treatment for MS, and another where she doesn’t. The uniqueness of this execution is the viewer can choose which narrative he/she follows by holding and releasing the space bar. In other words: he/she can “choose” which treatment the main character gets and see what kind of symptoms will follow.

Describe the outcome

The campaign was launched in the World’s MS Disease Day in 30th of May 2019.

All together the campaign site with the interactive film drew 43 852 visitors.

Our target audience was very exclusive, as there are only about 9500 people with the MS disease in Finland - therefore we can assume that we reached the desired audience very well.

The visitors spent 5 minutes 34 seconds on average on the site, which means most of them watched the whole 204-second film.

Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Healthcare/RX/Pharma communications in your country/region including:

Advertising any prescription drugs is not allowed in Finland.

Describe the target audience and why your work is relevant to them.

Target audience was those who have MS disease and people close to them. National Current Care Guidelines dictate what kind of treatment is offered to a patient. There are different kinds of treatments for this disease, and you have a possibility to affect the treatment you get.

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