Cannes Lions


MULLEN, Boston / JETBLUE / 2014

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Our campaign was anchored around a video-led strategy that leveraged consumer behavior and also allowed us to bring the attitude of the idea to life. This multi-screen approach included television, digital, tablet and mobile.

To ensure JetBlue stood out from the masses, we incorporated creativity and innovation into our placements:

- First-to-market voice-activated mobile execution that pointed out that JetBlue’s competitors “don’t speak your language” by challenging consumers to try to speak “pigeon.”

- We wrapped the entire interior of subway cars to transform them into a park setting where the riders could feel like pigeons.

- Introduced a new twist to an existing platform by placing realistic pigeons on the roofs of taxis.

- Homepage takeover on that treated the site like a park, featuring pigeons flying from banner to banner.

- Launching a first-to-market floating ad in The Boston Globe that, combined with a full-page unit, helped explain our mission.


Business and communication goals were met:

- Campaign recognition soared, with levels 64% higher than our new campaign norm.

- Consideration among finicky business travelers increased 5 percentage points in one quarter.

- 72% of consumers felt our campaign made the flying experience more enjoyable.

As anticipated, the placement of the pigeons on taxi tops turned heads and created intrigue. Consumers placed ads around Boston asking for others to confirm that the pigeons on the tops of the taxis were real.

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