Spikes Asia

Black Friday

ADCOM, Karachi / TELENOR / 2016

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Case Film
Short Version







• The Pakistani MFS industry is a strong market with a yearly growth rate of 20% and an ecommerce growth rate of 13%.

•Easypaisa, the current market leader, recently launched Easypay, Pakistan’s first payment solution in anticipation of upcoming ecommerce market trends.


• By bringing Black Friday to Pakistan, we aimed to change the lives of Pakistanis living in areas where online purchases and payments still generate mistrust.

• Our brief was to promote Online Shopping behaviour and online payments instead of COD


• Generate awareness of Easypay in small towns & villages:

KPI: awareness (reach and impressions) from small towns & villages

KPI: engagement (web and social) traffic on the website and engagement received 1,500,000+

KPI Transactions: 3000 transactions

• Counter consumer mistrust in the online payment process

KPI: percentage transactions processed via Easypay, web traffic and CTR (web and social)


Pre-Hype Phase (9th – 16th Nov):

• Posts and banners on Facebook explaining Black Friday’s significance.

• Press conference to announce upcoming event

• Articles and blog posts in top tech and lifestyle blogs

Hype Phase (17th – 26th Nov):

• Teaser announcing the arrival of Black Friday

• Digital content communicating the offers and deep discounts on big ticket items

• Tutorials explaining Easypay and the 3 payments options for availing the additional discounts offered.

Event Phase (27th – 30th Nov):

• Remarketing lists, generated during the hype phase, were used to target interested users with ads displayed on Facebook, GDN, Gmail, Twitter, Yahoo and more.

• A conversational approach on Twitter, asking our users evocative questions and coupons for top responders.

• All communication updated live on the web and social assets to account for any changes

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