Cannes Lions

Build your own racing game


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Nowadays, many brands develop games as a way of media. Audi went one step further and came up with something truly original: An App that lets users build their own game. With Audi Struckd you are the track designer. And once your design is complete, you can race on it with the Audi model of your choice. You can also share your track creations with friends and community members and challenge them to a race on it. The social features let users invite others, as well as, view, like, and comment on race courses designed by others.


The Struckd platform incorporates native client apps for Android and iOS which are built upon the Unity 3D framework. These push and pull user generated content to and from a cloud-based environment where all game creations are stored, categorized and fed back through different algorithms to the native apps into the community sections and branded channels.

The App was specially created for Audi, fitting visually into the Audi world. The User Interface was designed to be easy usable and self-explaining. The graphic world is fitting also in the gaming environment with lots of details.


The App was an overnight success, garnering media praise for the innovative concept of combining actual game design with virtual racing. Three weeks after its launch, the App had been downloaded, played and shared thousands of times. Despite a Swiss only release, it spread rapidly across the globe and soon had users from countries including the US, the UK, Germany, Turkey and China. The number of downloads exceeded expectations by a country mile. In fact, the App is so popular that Audi is now working on a new release. With Audi Struckd, Audi, once again, delivers on the claim: “Vorsprung durch Technik.”

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