Cannes Lions

No Gogó

ALMAPBBDO, Sao Paulo / AMBEV / 2017

Case Film
Supporting Content
Case Film
Supporting Content
1 of 0 items






In the year that samba turned 100, Antarctica – the most authentic beer in Rio de Janeiro – premiered “No Gogó,” an authentically Brazilian webseries.

It told the story of a guy who might be any of the 16 million inhabitants of Rio de Janeiro: he wakes up early, works hard, falls in love, and dreams of being a samba star.

In the series, his song “Duda” becomes a hit, bringing his dream within arm’s reach.

The song wound up taking on life both onscreen and off: it wound up on Spotify, on radio stations in Rio de Janeiro, showed up at samba events, and became a Carnival hit.

All thanks to a well-planned partnership between the brand and renowned samba musicians in Rio de Janeiro.



The idea was to have the series present across all of Antarctica’s channels. And the theme song helped make that possible, since people took a liking to it and began playing it organically on the radio and in samba jam sessions.


The campaign was live through the last few months of 2016, with an episode launched every 15 days, plus bonus materials such as behind-the-scenes footage, extras about the composition of the songs, the characters participating in events, etc.


Our strategy was to blanket all of Antarctica’s points of contact: TV, social media, billboards, the brand’s events, POS material, and promotional events. Even beyond all that, the song is still being played in samba shows to this day.


It’s difficult to determine the song’s precise reach; but it’s still being played today, even at events with no ties to Antarctica.


All that daring had to translate into great results: beyond rejuvenating the brand’s image and strengthening ties between Antarctica, young people, and Rio natives, the numbers were remarkable.

The episodes impacted over 84% of the total target. And, even better, they contributed to a 204% increase in organic searches for Antarctica on Google. In all, 14 million people were impacted. Young people were 69% of viewers, and that’s not all: 96% of people approved of the series on YouTube, and brand mentions were extremely positive. We recorded over 1 million consumer interactions, including comments, likes, and shares. We also had the highest video retention rate of any beer brand on Facebook. All in all, our campaign brought 597 million impacts, over 57 million views, and 65% of them from young people – who were, after all, our target.

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