Cannes Lions

Personal Innovation Act

SIX, Tokyo / SOFTBANK CORP. / 2017

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We updated the items that seniors were familiar with.

We created products that maintained their analog interfaces while enabling digital communication to connect them to their grandchildren.

We manufactured six digital products and installed them in a real household.

All of these products connected with mobile device.

“SNS Newsletter”

The newsletter compiled from social media feeds.

SNS posts and photos from the dedicated app of smartphone are redesigned into a printed newspaper format, and an inbuilt printer deliveres it daily to the postbox.

“Cloud VHS”

The video player designed to share videos taken with smartphones.

When a video is uploaded to the cloud, the link is converted into a QR code.

A camera embedded in the video player scans the code on the label, and plays the video.

In addition to these, four other products were manufactured and introduced in the “Execution” section.


It's continued from creative idea section.

“Smart Dial Phone”

When a video call is made from a smartphone, picking up the receiver activates the television and begins the conversation.

"Message KAKEJIKU"

Digital messages sent through a app and the message is received by a laser device on the back of the KAKEJIKU. A laser is shone onto thermal paper, recreating the message.

"Remote Height Pole"

Use the camera to measure one’s height and send the data.

Upon receiving the data, the cutter device carves the person’s name and the date at the person’s height.

”Shadow Play Online”

A light that can live stream shadow play.

Both shadows are streamed live, making long-distance shadow play possible.

The system is activated when the lights are turned off.

A light is shone onto a door, making shadow play possible.

We captured the family’s experience in a movie and released it online.


The experience movie was viewed over 7 million times.

It was featured by hundreds of media outlets.

And gained 1 million dollars’ worth of publicity.

The project generated a discussion on the many faces of the information revolution.

Through this action, we communicated that softbank’s corporate philosophy, "information revolution happiness for everyone“ is aimed not only at those familiar with technology, but people who are new to it.

We provided a new perspective by showing that there are innovations where technology draws closer to each person's lifestyle, rather than people keeping up with technology's evolution.

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