Cannes Lions


archibald ingall stretton..., London / SKODA / 2010

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Using beautiful, charming illustrations, we encouraged users to interact with banners and MPU spaces in the same way as they would with pop-up books. This was something that would appeal to parents – bringing back fond childhood memories – and, of course, to their kids too.

Giving people the opportunity to discover the Yeti for themselves in this way aligned our work with ‘It’s out there’ – and meant we stayed true to Skoda’s UK positioning by putting a smile on the face of anyone engaging with the ads. We used highly visible banner and MPU spaces on sites like Top Gear to talk directly to people looking for a new car. These ads linked through to a landing page where again people could play with the car and open up bits of the page to discover more technical information about the Yeti.


The campaign was hugely successful, with 2,368 people signing up for test-drives in the Yeti after clicking through our ads and microsite. The fun and simplicity in allowing people to go on their own journey through these online spaces really helped to get them to the sign-up page.

As this was all about getting people to register for test-drives, we certainly exceeded expectations. With 29,465 unique visitors to the Yeti microsite, the awareness created by the original banners and MPUs was fantastic. And resulted in an industry-beating click-through rate of 0.16%.

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