Film Craft > Production


SMUGGLER, Los Angeles / APPLE / 2022


Gold Cannes Lions
CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)
Case Film




Write a short summary of what happens in the film.

The Underdogs are back in business — as in, small business. Escaping from their evil boss’s clutches, the team finds out how to spin an idea into a product, and a product into a company.

It’s a journey fraught with email and conference calls and birthday cakes and ballet recitals. Hires from halfway around the world, and a 14-year-old that just might take over the world. And a garage with an odor that — well, you get the picture.

Thanks to Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple Business Essentials, and a suite of business apps, the team manages to find its footing. Because when you stick together — and your devices work together — you’ll always find a way, in the office or not.

Provide the full film script in English.

Alcatraz 29.01.22 FINAL “THE BIG QUIT”

Scene 1.1 - EXT – ARCA Office Underground Car Park

(We open on the whole team sitting inside Bridget’s car after lunch break. They look deflated as they finish their fast food. Bridget sighs as she looks at her Apple Watch…)

BRIDGET: Three and a half minutes until we have to go back in.

ALT: Three and a half minutes.

DAVE (Sighs): I hate being back in the office.

BRIAN: I hate having 30 minutes for lunch.

MARIE: I hate...

DAVE: (Interrupts as he sees Vivienne) Vivienne...


DAVE: No! Vivienne

(Cut to Vivienne striding across the car park towards them. They all duck down in

the car, hiding. From inside the car we hear Vivienne’s voice on the phone as

she passes by - )

VIVIENNE: Please stop crying. It makes me nauseous. THE DEADLINE IS THE DEADLINE (she holds the phone away from her ear and grimaces)

ALT: Do you seriously expect to have every weekend off, for fun?

(Once Vivienne has passed, their heads slowly rise up. We see Bridget’s mind is

at work.)

BRIDGET: Guys, do you ever wish you could just… (trails off)

ALT 1: Do you ever dream about... quitting?

ALT 2: Do you ever think about...quitting?

MARIE: Quit?

ALT - Yes

BRIAN: Yeah, like All the time

DAVE: God I wish we could quit

MARIE: Why can’t we?

ALT - What’s stopping us?

BRIAN: We could do our own thing

MARIE: Yeah like start our own company

DAVE: Be our own bosses

BRIAN: I did business at college.

ALT - I did business at college, it’s pretty easy

MARIE: We could get our weekends back, and Dave, you could wear sweatpants like, every day

DAVE (looks up): Sweatpants...

(Brian/Marie/Dave realize that Bridget has been silent this whole time, staring

straight ahead, deep in thought.)

DAVE: Bridget?

MARIE/DAVE: Bridget???? (Louder)

(Maybe Dave reaches over and honks the horn to get her attention, or a reminder

on her Apple watch starts beeping, as they yell.)


(Bridget snaps out of her daze.)

BRIDGET (Almost under her breath): Freedom…

ALT 1: Yes… (She turns to the others, her eyes alive.) Let’s quit.

ALT 2: Yes. Let’s do it.

(Close up – email being typed - DEAR VIVIENNE. WE QUIT

Whoosh! Sent. )

SCENE 1.2 EXT – ARCA Office Underground Car Park

(A track like Van Halen ‘Jump’ kicks in as The car reverses back. We track it while driving through the car park.)

SCENE 1.3 EXT – Car Park Security Booth

(Cut to them stopping at a security booth, the music is still playing, as they awkwardly wait for the boom gate to lift up. The parking attendant checks his watch. As they drive off Brian yells excitedly out of the window - )

BRIAN: We’re starting our own packaging company!

(The car park attendant couldn’t be less interested.)

SCENE 1.4 EXT – Car Park Exit Road

(As the music plays we watch the car drive off into the sunlight. The camera

rises up as if it’s the end. And then - )

SCENE 2.1 - EXT – Grocery Store Car Park

(Cut to Bridget, Dave and Marie parked up out the front of a grocery store. There is silence in the car. Reality is hitting. Bridget is on her iPad, she's writing a to-do list on how to start a new company.)

DAVE (eerily calm, in a daze, babbling): Oh, so how’s your day, Dave? Oh you know, not too bad, just quit my stable job with absolutely no backup plan whatsoever.

ALT 1: (face in hands) Oh dear. What have we done? What have I done.

ALT 2: (combining 2 and 3) Oh man, what have I done? I have no job, one mortgage, no income...

ALT 3 - (Doing math on fingers) No job. One mortgage. No income. Two kids...

MARIE: One ex-wife

DAVE: Two actually

BRIDGET: Guys, it’s going to be okay. We have no product, no clients...

DAVE: No money

BRIDGET: All we need is an idea. Just one amazing idea...

(The three look at each other in a panic. Regret is setting in. Then Brian opens

the door and excitedly gets in.)

BRIAN: I got donuts!

(Brian goes to unpack the donuts - it’s double bagged, and one bag comes out of

the other.)

BRIAN: Ugh I hate how they always double bag everything

(Bridget looks up.)

BRIDGET: Brian, what did you just say?

BRIAN (eating): I got donuts

MARIE: No...about the bag...

BRIDGET: the double bag

MARIE: Oh my god Brian, you’re a genius!

(Brian shares a confused look with Dave. He thinks they’re talking about the


BRIAN: Oh, thanks. I just got a selection.

BRIDGET/DAVE/MARIE: No Brian! The bag!

BRIAN: (The penny drops) Ohhh.

DAVE: I still don’t get it.


(Cut to the team at home doing research on their Macs - )

(Bridget lounge/Brian kitchen/Marie car/Dave Kitchen)

(Cut to the team at home doing research on their Macs - )

(Bridget lounge/Brian kitchen/Marie car/Dave Kitchen)

(They’re on FaceTime, talking over each other and sharing information at the same time. Bridget is doing research, she shares clips of articles and statistics - )

BRIDGET: Did you know that 87% of stores double bag?

BRIAN: One reinforced bag could be as strong as two regular ones...

(Brian shares a rough sketch - )

MARIE: ...and better for the environment...

(Dave shares an Excel spreadsheet)

DAVE: ...and better for the budget

MARIE: It’s just like... better.

(BRIAN adds the name: BETTER BAG in Markup to his sketch on his iPad. They take a moment, realizing they’ve struck gold.)


DAVE: So what now?

BRIDGET; Let’s meet tomorrow.

ALT - This is soooo exciting guys, let's meet tomorrow?

MARIE: Where?

ALT 1 - Yeah but where?

ALT 2 - Where? We don’t have an office, remember?


(We cut inside a garage as the door slowly opens - revealing Bridget, Marie and Brian holding boxes of office stuff staring into Dave’s garage. They grimace. It was not the office they had in mind.)

(Cut to their POV to see Dave holding a full laundry basket.)

DAVE: Welcome to corporate headquarters. You’ll get used to the smell. Perfect, huh?

ALT - Welcome to corporate headquarters! Sorry about the smell – a family of raccoons moved in a while back. (off team’s reaction) But they’re gone now. I think.

(Cut to BUSINESS ESSENTIALS on Bridget’s screen. Quick cuts of her adding software, iCloud etc. Cut to Bridget - )

BRIDGET (Pre-lap): Ok, storage, software, apps...

MARIE: Can we get slack?

DAVE: And excel


(With a click in Business Essentials, Bridget gives the whole team Slack.)

BRIAN: Dave, what’s the WIFI password?

DAVE: WIFI password.

BRIAN: Yeah, but what is it?

DAVE: It's a WIFI password.

BRIAN: Yeah, but what is it?

DAVE: It's a WIFI password.

BRIAN: Are you telling me you set your wifi password... wifi password?

DAVE (shrugs): It’s easy to remember

MARIE: I just shared it with you.

BRIAN: ...thanks.


BRIAN: Dave, what’s the WIFI password?

DAVE (EMBARRASSED): Oh, it’s... dave’s...

BRIAN: What?

DAVE: ...Dave's love lounge.

(Brian just stares at Dave.)

DAVE (quietly): No caps...

MARIE: I just shared it with you.

BRIAN: ...thanks.


BRIAN: Dave, what’s the WIFI password?

DAVE: It’s King underscore Dave underscore rulez – that’s with

a ‘Z’ – followed by an exclamation mark, then underscore 73, hyphen—

(Brian stares back at him.)

MARIE: I just shared it with you

BRIAN: Thanks


(Dave turns the dryer on... Bridget looks at him. He switches it off.)

BRIDGET: OK. What else? Marie. Website

MARIE: We’re gonna need a web developer…

ALT: I can’t build it, we’re gonna need a web developer.

DAVE: A cheap web developer

(Brian’s head appears from under the desk - )

BRIAN: I could ask my cousin Kevin.


[+ Scene 5.2 - Kevin’s room]

The team is huddled around Dave’s iMac, on a FaceTime call with Cousin Kevin - who looks young but ain’t cheap.

COUSIN KEVIN: Yeah I can do it. Ten G’s / ten large.

BRIAN: Kevin, you’re fourteen.

ALT - Dave / he’s fourteen?

COUSIN KEVIN: Then I want a Senior partner.

ALT 1 - Then I want 30 percent ownership/capital?

ALT 2 - Then I want a seat on the board.

BRIAN: Kevin – you’re FOUR–TEEN!

(Full Screen - Bridget adds a new team member to APPLE BUSINESS ESSENTIALS: “COUSIN KEVIN — SENIOR INTERN.” We hear Dave underneath - )

DAVE: Great. Our future is in the hands of a 14 year old.


(Cut to the team following a store manager down the aisle of a store, trying to sell their BetterBag, jumbling their sales pitch. Bridget carrying a crumpled looking prototype bag. Brian has his iPad mini with a schematic on it. The store manager clearly isn’t interested - )

BRIDGET: We only need two minutes

BRIAN: And we brought a prototype

(The store manager gets to the staff door, making it clear the team are not

following him.)

STORE MANAGER: Sorry guys, it’s a no.

(As the door slams in their face we cut to - )


[Scene 6.3-6.5 Bridget & Brian cafe, Marie Bench, Dave basketball??]

( - a Zoom call with another client/store manager. The client is clearly not interested…)

CLIENT: Thanks. Not for us.

ALT 1 - Thanks but we prefer plastic.

ALT 2 - Maybe next year.

ALT 3 - Do they come in plastic?


(Cut to the team in another face to face meeting, squished into a store manager’s office. The manager looks at a quickly thrown together presentation on Bridget’s iPad Pro)

STORE MANAGER: I’m not sure...

(The team’s shoulders visibly sink.)

BRIAN: Look - it’s stronger

MARIE: and greener.

DAVE: and it’s gonna save you a tonne of money

CLIENT 3: OK. (Pause) We’ll take 50... thousand.

BRIDGET: Really?

ALT: Seriously?

(We cut to a Docusign contract being signed with Apple Pencil on Bridget’s iPad Pro.)


(Cut to the team skipping out of the store across the car park. They’re like a gaggle of giddy bandits, riding the high of a huge score.)


(Inside Dave’s van Bridget enters the numbers into Zoho inventory app database on her iPad. Dave drums at the steering wheel.)

DAVE: How many bags was it again?

BRIDGET/BRIAN/MARIE: Fifty thousand!!!

(Cut to Dave’s face as he runs through the numbers in his mind. He begins to frown, then his face falls, then he grimaces - )

DAVE: That’s like, nine hundred dollars

ALT: Ugh... That’s like... nine hundred and sixteen dollars, give or

take / more or less. Ok, fifty thousand... minus costs... that’s like... 900 dollars.

ALT 2: Ok, fifty thousand... minus costs... that’s like... 900 dollars

MARIE: Nine hundred dollars?

(Suddenly from the back seat we hear Kevin who we didn't even know was there)

KEVIN: You guys quit your jobs for nine hundred dollars? Sheesh.

DAVE - you wanna keep yours?

ALT 1: I made more than that on crypto yesterday.

ALT 2: I don’t want to be a senior partner any more.

DAVE - me neither


(Out of both steam and answers, the team takes cover at their usual pizza shop. Brian takes his last bite of a slice. Dave can’t bring himself to eat, going over Excel on his MacBook. Bridget stews quietly. Cousin Kevin sits at the end of the table on his iPhone.)

DAVE - We’re gonna have to sell a billion bags to make any money.

BRIAN - I’m never moving out of my mom’s place, am I?

ALT 1: I failed business in college

ALT 2: I lied. I slept through my business class

(Marie unlocks her iPhone.)

MARIE: I’m calling Vivienne. Maybe if we beg for our old jobs back, she’ll—

ALT: It’s never gonna work. I’m calling Vivienne...

(This sets Bridget off. She stands up.)

BRIDGET: No guys no. If we need to sell a billion bags, that’s what we’re gonna do. Do you know what I see when I look around this table?

(The team looks unsure..)

BRIDGET (cont.): I see the greatest packaging team, maybe ever... Look, I believe in us. We did this to build better lives. We did it to make better bags – TO SELL BETTER BAGS.

ALT: I see the greatest packaging team, maybe in the history of… packaging. Guys, I believe in us. We did this to build better lives. We did it to make better bags – TO SELL BETTER BAGS.

(Just then, the SERVER comes by, and gestures to their uneaten food.)

SERVER: Do you folks need a bag for that?



(The entire shop goes silent. Brian collects himself.)

BRIDGET: ...but thank you for asking.

(She turns back to the team, who are all inspired. Maybe misty-eyed.)

BRIDGET: Now let’s get to work.

ALT: Now let’s get to work. Except Dave, you have to pick up your kids.



(We see Bridget taping up a Ted Lasso style ‘BELIEVE’ sign up on the garage wall. She speaks into her Watch - “Dave can you share the chart?")

Scene 9.2 - DAVE BALLET

(Bridget’s meeting notification DINGS on Dave’s Apple Watch as he watches his kid’s ballet lesson. Cut to him on his daughter's iPad sharing a new version of a chart slide for the presentation with Marie.)


(Cut to Marie as she flicks the updated presentation from her MacBook to a large TV on via Airplay to an impressed looking client at a meeting.)


(Cut to Brian, Airpods in, at the kitchen table as a message comes on his iPad from Marie -

New client! He gives it a like as he’s on a FaceTime with Kevin)

BRIAN: Kevin. Where’s the website?

ALT: Kevin. Kevin. We need the website!

Scene 9.5 - KEVIN HOME

(Cut to Kevin at home, Beats on, scanning the bag in Lidar with his iPad - )

KEVIN: Chill, I'm working on it!

ALT 1: Yelling won’t make it faster.

ALT 2: Brian, I’m fourteen

Scene 9.6 - DAVE’S GARAGE

(Cut to Kevin in Dave’s garage with the team - they’re looking at the website on Marie’s iMac.)

KEVIN: So, here it is. But websites are like, so pre-pandemic. Check this.

ALT So, here it is. But websites are so old school.

(He hands them his ipad and they see the Betterbag in AR. The team is floored.)

KEVIN: Money.

ALT: Fire.

DAVE: Kevin I may have underestimated you.

ALT: Kevin I don’t understand you, but I definitely underestimated you

Scene 9.7 - CLIENT OFFICE #2

(Cut over a new client’s shoulder using the iPad Air to explore the AR version of the bag on his desk.)


(Cut to see him on a Zoom call with the team: I’ll take 100,000.)

ALT: This is amazing. I’ll take 100,000.

SCENE 100.1 - 100.4

(Then cut to an email order coming in - 250,000. Invoice in Invoice2go - for 500,000 bags. Cut to Memoji with dollar signs 500,000! Cut to timelines for client accounts on Asana.)

Scene 9.11 - BRIAN’S KITCHEN

(Cut to the whole team around Brian’s kitchen table eating a long lunch together. Marie and Brian are looking at memes or something silly on Brian’s phone. They’re giggling. Bridget is taking a call on her iPhone, Dave is busy working on his MacBook whilst on his iPhone -

BRIDGET: Accounts? Yes of course, I’ll put you through -

ALT: - overdue? Oh, sorry, hold on, I’ll put you through...

(She passes the phone to Dave.)

DAVE (Loud whispering): Guys we need a finance manager ... (To his call) Sorry I'll call you back (On Bridget’s phone) Hi, Dave from Finance.


(Cut to Bridget and Brian in the nail salon editing a shared note on their iPhones for a Finance Manager job description.)

Scene 9.13 - GARAGE

(Cut to Bridget and Marie interviewing candidates from Marie’s MacBook.)

BRIDGET (Bubbly): So tell me, what would you say is your greatest strength?

Scene 9.14

(Cut to applicant one. He takes a deep breath and thinks... and thinks and thinks. The team wait awkwardly.)

Scene 9.15

(Cut to a perfectly normal woman who seems great until she opens her mouth and pours out verbal diarrhea.)

WOMAN (TBC): Well, I’m a people person. I just love people, you know? It’s so important to have a connection. I can already feel that we have a very strong connection, do you feel that too? And we’re hundred of miles apart, so just imagine when you and me get in the same room -

(Cut back to applicant one still staring awkwardly at them.)

(Cut to Bridget - )

BRIDGET: Mike from finance!

Scene 9.16/9.17

(On Bridget’s screen we see Mike in front of his katanas, he slowly lifts up his mirrored sunglasses.)

BRIDGET: Mike from finance!

(Dave walks over to Bridget’s desk and pushes her laptop lid closed.)

ALT: (Cut to Bridget -)

BRIDGET: Mike from finance!

Mike: I knew you’d come crawling back…

Bridget/Marie: you contacted us / you emailed us?

Mike: Let’s cut to the chase, you need me more than I need you

ALT 2; My greatest strength is that I have no weakness ...and I just bought a convertible.

People just seem to be naturally attracted to me. Is that a strength?

My biggest strength is that I know my limitations. Of which I have none.

My greatest strength is that I don’t listen to criticism.

(Cut back to Applicant one. He finally says - my teeth / my sense of humor)

Scene 9.18/9.19

(Cut to a good candidate - finally.)

CANDIDATE: Well, I have an MBA and a CPA, as well as a CMA.

BRIDGET/MARIE: That’s amazing

CANDIDATE: But I live in Alaska

BRIDGET: No problem! When can you start?

Scene 9.20 - WEWORK OFFICE

(Cut to Brian peeling the backing off a vinyl “BetterBag” logo on the window of a wework rental office.”)

SCENE 100.5 - 100.6

Ding Ding Ding Ding - Bridget highlights 4 staff in the LOGISTICS DEPARTMENT on BUSINESS ESSENTIALS and grants them access to a program or increases their iCloud storage. We see new channels popping in on Slack.

Scene 9.21 - EXT SCHOOL

(Dave in his van works on his MacBook as he waits for his kids to finish school. The kids get in the car - How was school kids?? In the back we find Kevin sitting with Dave’s kids. He rolls his eyes and puts his Beats on. One of Dave’s kids copies Kevin, putting their headphones on and rolling her eyes.)


(Cut to Bridget brushing her teeth in the evening, on her iPad she sends out a "OFFICE DAY TOMORROW?” notification to everyone’s calendars)

(Cut to Brian in his kitchen trying to make a cake, he sucks the batter of a finger and hits the voice record on his Apple Watch)

(Brian replies with a voice memo (short pause) ``I can't it’s my mom's birthday” Bridget replies - no problem / NP - and moves the Office day with a swipe of her finger.)


(Cut to a WeWork style office - the expanded company on a Zoom call. Brian dials in late on Zoom, he’s just woke up. His face is displayed massively on the big screen in the office.)

BRIAN: We sold how much? Wait, I’m not big am I?

ALT - 5 million bags? Wait, I’m not big am I?

Scene 9.24C - BRIDGET HOME

(Quick cut of Bridget at home talking to her cat in a funny voice - Did you know that mommy sold 5 million bags?)

Scene 9.26 - WEWORK OFFICE

(Cut to Bridget excitedly walking into their office - )

BRIDGET: OMG. You’re never gonna believe who wants to interview us.

BRIAN: Oprah?


BRIDGET: No. Packaging Weekly/Monthly!

Scene 9.27 - WEWORK OFFICE

(Cut to Marie taking a funny picture of the team holding the bag with her iPhone using the remote button with her Apple watch.)


(Cut to the photograph in a magazine with the headline - Meet the team behind the game-changing BetterBag - a mysterious female’s hand come into frame and picks up an

iPhone next to it.)

Scene 10.1 - 10.5 - Various Locations

(Bridget bathroom/Brian lounge/Marie Car/Dave Kitchen/Vivienne office)

(The Underdogs are all in different places, when they get a FaceTime from none other than Vivienne. Bridget is in the bath watching Ted Lasso on her iPad , Dave in the kitchen washing his sticky iPhone, Marie is at a noodle bar with her girlfriend, Brian is on Arcade in the lounge room in a recliner…)

(One by one they accept the call. Vivienne, still in the office, comes on as her usual grumpy self, then changes expression to almost... nice. The Underdogs are not used to this.)

VIVIENNE: Well... (forgets names) you four have certainly been busy, haven’t you. I’ll keep this short as I’m sure you all have work to do -

ALT: I’m sure you’re all working late

(Dave looks around his room – he’s not wearing pants. The others look around their homes – none of them are that busy.)

VIVIENNE: So this BetterBag of yours – I want to buy it. And you.

(Cut to each of them as they react to the news, repeating Vivienne’s words.)

BRIDGET: Our own department?

MARIE: Our own floor?

DAVE: Executive parking spaces?

BRIAN (gulps): How much???

VIVIENNE: Come in tomorrow morning, 9am, and we'll make things official.

BRIDGET: Okay, well that all sounds—

(Vivienne hangs up, leaving them all in stunned silence.)

(Messages fly between the group - emoji dollar eyes / dancing emojis. Maybe one of them does a celebratory dance.)

Scene 11.1 - EXT - ARCA car park

(Cut to the team in Dave’s minivan, smartly dressed for their meeting with Vivienne. They look at each other.)

DAVE: Ready?

(They all nod.)

ALT: Dave’s minivan pulls up alongside the security guard. Dave rolls the window down - We’re back. Security guard still couldn’t care less.

Scene 12.1 - INT - Arca office / elevator

(We cut to the elevator doors opening and the four underdogs

stride out triumphantly into the corporate Arca office.)


Cut to their POV to see Vivienne on the phone in the boardroom - she rudely

points for her assistant to open the door.


(The team sits around the meeting table in front of Vivienne, as Vivienne slides the contracts across the table.)

VIVIENNE: based off the numbers alone, it would be foolish not to accept the offer. Sign these and we can get back to work.

ALT: Just sign here.

(The team looks at the contracts in front of them. Brian, Marie and Dave look at Bridget. She pushes the contract back to Vivienne.)

BRIDGET: Thanks Vivienne. This is everything ever dreamed of. But, you see, we learned something these past few months. Sure, we made some mistakes. And a lot of them were Dave’s. But for the first time we did things our way. Dave got to tuck his kids into bed, every single night. Brian got to sleep in every single day. And i’m not exactly sure what Marie has been doing, but I got to see my cat widdle Wupert in HIS WIDDLE bowtie

ALT: (sweater): looking all handsome on his birthday. And I got to spend more time with my widdle furry business associate, see? He’s so cute. (Shows Vivienne her iPhone lock screen background - a selfie of her and Wupert)

(Bridget suddenly becomes aware of what she’s saying, and snaps back to being badass. As she continues the others whisper ‘Bridget’ trying to get her attention. But she ignores them and stands up, this is badass Bridget and nothing is going to stop her.)

BRIDGET: So while I know you can barely remember our names, hopefully you can remember this. They whisper again, even louder “BRIDGET!”. But she tries to ignore it all and continues...

BRIDGET: You can keep your ridiculous (ALT: endless) deadlines, you can keep your 80-hour work week, and you can keep these stupid chiropractic office chairs.

(This time it sounds like even more people whispering - BRIDGET! But this is just fuel to the fire for Bridget - )

BRIDGET: Because you will never take our company and you will never take… our... [FREEDOM]

(We hear the sound of a car horn, (or she looks down at her Apple

Watch beeping) as the team yell ‘BRIDG...’)

Scene 13.1 - EXT – ARCA Office Underground Car Park

[To match SCENE 1.1]

(Hard cut back inside the car with Bridget as she ponders the decision from the start of the film. We hear Dave, Marie and Brian finish shouting her name as Bridget snaps out of her premonition. She looks at them, her heart beating, eyes alive.)

BRIDGET (Almost under her breath): Freedom… (Then to the team) Let’s do it.

(We hear Van Halen ‘Jump’ kicks in again as they accelerate through the car park. We watch the car drive out into the street, Brian yelling excitedly out of the window to the non-plussed parking attendant.)

BRIAN: We’re starting our own packaging company!

(The camera rises up repeating the shot form earlier as we hear Brian’s voice from inside the car.) Should we get donuts?


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