Brand Experience and Activation > Culture & Context


MATCH, Shanghai / OPPO / 2019

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Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation?

In the highly competitive cell phone category, the agency abandoned the conventional approach which places emphasis on technology and functions. Instead, focus was calibrated on tapping into the deep culture of Chinese with a twist of fun, turning the communication into a novel and amazing experience to trigger the interest of the target group for sharing. The simple and focused concept significantly improved the consistency of execution and marketing efficiency both online and offline, resulting in 2.87 BILLION VIEWS online and 27.3 MILLION ENGAGED, and the market share climbed to the top amid fierce competition at Chinese new year.


Chinese new year is one of the biggest event of the year.

There will be over 1 million brand with trillions of campaign fighting to be on the top of this marketing war.

To stands out from this massacre, OPPO, China's leading cell phone brand put out a campaign that tap into the deep culture of Chinese with a twist of fun.To amplify their cell phone sales in the new Year period.

Describe the creative idea


For the first time ever, OPPO united Chinese Gods with Western Gods to give double blessings. These unique illustrations were posted everywhere in China.The Gods gave millions of people blessings on transit,On-ground,On packaging,Online. Even on the runway of our new phone launch.

Describe the strategy

In the new year, Chinese people like to give blessing and wishes to friends and relatives.

It happen to be in both western New Year and Chinese New Year, they will give out blessing and wishes from different culture gods and lucky charms. And that make things complicated, as who should we pray for? The western god of fortune? Or the east money god?

Describe the execution

So we gather the lucky symbols, gods and charm from both western and eastern and merge them together to create an unique EAST WEST world blessing couples.

We put the Aphrodite: Goddess of Love and Beauty with the Ancient beauty goddess Yang Guifei, to send out the double wishes of beauty. We ask the angels hold hands with Fuwa: Chinese fairy together give out blessing. Then baby Cupid team up with elderly Yue Lao, god of marriage and love. Spread the wishes of love and joy.The combination continues with many many pairs

These wishes are made into posters and post on everywhere around China.We didn’t stop there, we also bring these couples into the world of social media.Put them into packaging, integration campaign and other touch points.

We even spread the idea into a new product launch theme event.

List the results

The campaign became an instant hit.

We had 2.87 billion viewers on social media, which sparked millions into conversation.-2.87 BILLION VIEWS and 27.3 MILLION ENGAGED

Outdoor advertising reached up to 400 million people around China.

In total, we generated $50 million worth in media impressions.

And in one month, we sold 5.53 million new phones.

Please tell us about the brand in relation to the locality or market where the product/service is distributed

Oppo Electronics Corporation, commonly referred to as Oppo, is a Chinese consumer electronics and mobile communications company, A leading manufacturer of smartphones, Oppo was the top smartphone brand in China in 2016 and was ranked No. 8 worldwide. The product is distributed online and offline store all over the China.

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