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Case Film
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Why is this work relevant for Integrated?

​​Changing scepticism takes multiple executions, aligned to a strong creative idea that is memorable. We needed an appealing brand experience, simply communicated. "If I were you" is a catchy, 90’s-style karaoke song that makes people sing.

The campaign’s song and film were played across different channels, such as radio, cinema, Karaoke clubs, OOH and online platforms like Anghami, Spotify, YouTube, Instagram. To support this, we delivered kits to influencers, advocating the song to their TikTok audiences.

What better way to lodge in someone’s brain, and spread your message, than getting them to sing the benefits of your loyalty app?


Kuwait: 4 million people, with 70% under 35. Gen Z and Millennials were our target - generations in the grip of a nostalgia boom Stranger Things had started.

To communicate Burger King’s loyalty program with ease and simplicity, we jumped on the nostalgia trend producing a track reminiscent of recent hits from The Backstreet Boys & Britney Spears. By including the app’s selling points in the song, we hit two goals simultaneously: people were being educated about the program, while being entertained.

Education was important, as our TA use technology to make things "smart" and "easy", but they are skeptical of ads and loyalty programs.They like freebies, but don't like giving extra effort to get them - with 69% agreeing that schemes are too hard to join and earn rewards.

However, BK's Loyalty Program is integrated into the app people already use for delivery and no subscriptions are needed.

Describe the creative idea

To reach our audience we needed to be catchy but, above all, straightforward and relevant.

To communicate the ease and simplicity of BK’s loyalty program, we wrote a song about it, using the lyrics to educate. Following the nostalgia trend started by Stranger Things, the track was created to be reminiscent of hits from The Backstreet Boys & Britney Spears. We therefore hit two goals at the same time: people were being educated about the programme, while being entertained.

"If I Were You” was launched alongside a film that portrays the journey into the mind of a customer who's doubting the benefits and simplicity of the BK Loyalty programme. The film concludes with him snapping out of this journey, and finally agreeing to redeem his Crowns.

Describe the strategy

Unfortunately, for loyalty programs around the world trying to build lasting relationships and habits, today’s young generation is driven by short-term gratification (enjoyments) with real benefits to them and their daily lifestyle. The endless loyalty programs available have been failing to satisfy that as they’re bombarding them with complicated rewards schemes and insignificant long-term benefits (e.g. free sandwich of 3 KD after 10th order of total worth 100 KD).

When we asked them about the first thought that comes to their mind when they hear ‘loyalty program’, they responded “a pointless scam”. That meant we had to reframe the narrative, put ourselves in their shoes, show them how valuable our King’s loyalty crowns are in both the short and long-term while naturally integrating the crowns positively into their everyday life.

Describe the execution

What better way to showcase loyalty than get the youth to become our loyalty program campaign ambassadors? The question then became how. We had to leverage a passion point of theirs: music, but not any type of music would fly or get them to be stuck on the tunes. We needed something nostalgic and fresh all at once, so we decided to create Burger King Certified soundtrack covers for a genre that reminded them of simpler times and started to become trendy and cool to shamelessly sing out loud.

“If I were you” was born and launched across youth-targeted music platforms such as Anghami, Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, and social platforms such as Instagram and TikTok, followed by radio, cinema, and the infamous Karaoke Clubs with the support of OOH and owned media. Soon, it took a life of its own, youth singing along and filming music videos like popstars.

List the results

120% redemption growth

13% increase in sales

App downloads doubled within 3 months

Song streamed more than 500,000 times across different music platforms

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