Cannes Lions

GAP Edition



1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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As a magazine that celebrates outdoor living and sports, we care a lot about climate change and environmental issues. We support NGOs and always publish articles about conservation and how people can be with nature. But we wanted to do more for our 15th-anniversary edition. So, we planned this special edition intending to make people see how the planet has changed since we have started publishing our magazine and to open their eyes about everything that was happening with the "Outside" that they love so much to enjoy.


Gap Edition is a special edition that we republish old articles from our 15-year archive and updated them with new photographs so people can see how things have changed between the year that the old article was published and now.

The articles were the same, but we removed some of the words that were not suitable to describe the landscape because of the degradation of the environment. The photographs were another story: we changed them all for a frightening and updated version of the same place, but only a couple of years in the future.


To find all these articles we had to search our archive manually. For each article, we made a research to find out if that place has changed in the last 15 years and why. So, places have changed for other reasons, we crossed them out of our list. After looking through more than 20 thousand pages we had our final articles. The photographs were taken by professional photographs, tourists, and even firefighters who were fighting the wildfires in Brazil. Our target was readers, people who love and care about outdoor sports and nature, but also, NGOs, environmental influencers, and celebrities. So, we sent each one special copies of the Gap Edition. We also made the Gap Edition available for everyone as a free digital edition aiming that everyone could download through a QR Code from our regular magazine or links in our social media channels.


The magazine was designed to help people see these gaps of time within nature. So, the photographs were side by side. We also worked with the article text and additional information, such as the year that the article was published, coordinates of the places, and a QR code that sends you directly to a local NGO donation page.

We had to make everything in a short period, because in 2021 the magazine changed into a bimonthly publication, due to covid pandemic budget cuts. The magazine had only a few copies as a print version, because of the environmental issues. Our strength was online: we sent it through mailing, social media accounts, within QR code in the back of our regular bimonthly edition, we made it free in all the digital newsstand, and we sent it to NGOs, influencers, and celebrities that shared the magazine in their social media.


The impact of the special edition was amazing. We had people commenting, sharing, and even talking about places from their childhood that changed a lot since they were kids. We also had to send more special editions for influencers, NGOs, and celebrities because, after we first shared the magazine, more and more people were interested in downloading and reading it. We received e-mails from the NGOs that we helped with our QR codes at the end of each article. Two of them said that the donations had doubled that month. A lot of people also have commented that they will share with their friends and relatives who don't believe in climate change. And that is a huge win for us. But Go Outside just turned 15 years now, in April, so the results are still happening as we speak.

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