Design > Comprehensive Branding Programs


LANDOR, Paris / 20/80 / 2016


Silver Cannes Lions
CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)
Presentation Image
Supporting Images
Case Film





We kept it simple: we directly translated the most original part of the concept—the play on proportions—into the brand name: 20% rich toppings + 80% vegetables: say hello to 20/80.

The whole brand universe brings the 20/80 concept proportions to life: words, look & feel, photographic style, everything is here to simply communicate playfulness, joy, delight and indulgence. And healthiness of course.


The 20/80 proportions come to life with a playful graphic and photographic representation of ingredients and recipes. To go beyond the graphic executions, we teamed up with a famous food photographer, for a seamless application of the brand idea in the photographic style.


The 20/80 brand was created early on as a powerful conviction tool to convey the originality and strength of the concept in an overcrowded catering market. With this in hand, our client successfully exceeded her initial fundraising objectives, allowing her to not only materialize her business project, but go even further: on top of the food delivery offer, the opening of a 20/80 flagship store is scheduled for May 2016.


How can you promote a new concept on a limited budget, and therefore little to no media and communication investment? We turned the 20/80 brand into its own media, with each touchpoint and brand collateral communicating the brand promise. In the 20/80 system, even a simple recipe can be turned into a poster, loyalty card, or letterhead promoting the brand. We also created a system without frontiers, which works across any language, leaving the door open for future international opportunities.


Low fat, organic, gluten free, etc. Why is healthy eating so complicated and serious? Isn't there a way to reinvent the pleasure of eating healthy, making it simple and delicious? Yes there is. After years of working in the food business, our client wanted to materialize her passion for great tasting, healthy cuisine by creating her own brand of food-to-go. So she developed a breakthrough and crystal-clear concept: take luscious vegetables as the main ingredient (80%), and add rich ingredients as toppings (20%).

Great idea. But no brand. So how do you stand out in the overcrowded world of healthy eating brands? That's where we come in.

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Grand Prix Cannes Lions

Brand Collateral



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Silver Cannes Lions

Creation of a new Brand Identity: Consumer / Corporate


20/80, LANDOR

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