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Grand Prix Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Creative B2B?

This work is all about a B2B strategy.

The main target was business leaders.

The main objective was to encourage them to invest in Earth.

How? By aligning their companies with the UN's long-term sustainability goals.

To make that happen, the UN Global Compact and B3 (the Brazilian stock exchange) hijacked the business world.

By turning EARTH into a company and launching its IPO –the most urgent ever– they were able to reach business leaders on their own turf.

With this authentic approach, this integrated B2B campaign connected business leaders with brands' message, improving companies' commitment to the UN's goals.


The UN's Global Compact is the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative.

It's a global call for companies to align strategies and operations with the UN's long-term goals.

B3 is the "Brazilian Nasdaq," the world's first stock exchange to sign the Global Compact.

Both had a long-term commitment to the UN's goals, which address environmental and social issues in the realm of business.

According to the IPCC, Earth is in a “now or never” moment when it comes to climate change.

It's more urgent than ever to invest in Earth.

For this B2B campaign, we needed to engage business leaders and encourage them to commit their companies to the UN's goals.

But, according to Harvard, they work an average of 62.5 hours/week.

How could we grab this target's attention if they're always laser-focused on business?

The answer: by connecting with them through the business world and the language of business.

Describe the creative idea

The most urgent IPO ever.

UN's Global Compact and B3 hijacked the business world by turning Earth into a company and launching its IPO with awful results.

A cross-channel storytelling move that reached business leaders on their own turf.

EART4, this publicly listed company on the brink of bankruptcy, became omnipresent wherever business was done.

Business events. Business hubs. Business media. Even in Times Square (on the Nasdaq Tower).

Every touchpoint of this B2B campaign has the business world as its theme.

The IPO was launched at B3, one of the world’s largest financial market infrastructure companies.

The EART4 website has a stock simulator that reacts to real-time news about the planet.

The company also had a report with hair-raising results that was mailed to business leaders.

With this multi-channel urgent call, business leaders were engaged to invest in EART4.

That meant committing their companies to the UN's long-term goals.

Describe the strategy

The business of the UN Global Compact is to make companies align their strategies and operations with the UN's long-term goals.

Each company that joins the Global Compact means an entire business committed to the well-being of our planet.

So the target audience was the people positioned to make a commitment of that nature: business leaders.

According to a Harvard study, they work an average of 62.5 hours/week. They're always laser-focused on business.

So, the strategy was to hijack the world they live and breathe: the business world.

By turning the planet into a company, this campaign went straight to the target.

To make them understand how urgent it is to invest in EARTH, all scientific data about the planet was translated into business terms.

It's on the brink of bankruptcy.

Making every business leader who saw this campaign understand that EART4 needs urgent investments or it will collapse.

Describe the execution

Before the IPO, the company EART4 was created.

With everything a publicly listed company should have.

From an institutional website to an annual report.

Every single piece of information about the company was based on scientific data and developed by a multidisciplinary team.

Researchers and scientists gathered all the scientific information. Then, journalists and writers translated it into the corporate realm.

As cross-channel storytelling, every touchpoint connected business leaders to EART4 in an authentic way.

Some highlights are below.

Website: an interactive platform with all about EART4, including a real-time stock simulator.

Report: a book with awful results that was mailed to business leaders.

IPO launch: official IPO on the "Brazilian Nasdaq," a huge PR stunt.

Billboards: on many business hubs, including Nasdaq Tower.

In the months to come, EART4's IPO is confirmed to happen all over the globe by many countries like the USA, Mexico, Italy, Colombia and Norway.

List the results

EART4, the most urgent IPO, was born as a short-term tactic to make business leaders invest in the planet. Now, the UN's Global Compact will turn it into a long-term B2B strategy all over the globe. More than a campaign, it will be a platform to connect business leaders with the UN's goals. The results below are just the beginning.

• +20,000 business leaders reached by EART4's report

• ↑ 140% new signatories (versus 2022)

• 58MM earned media (focused on specialized business media)

• Best response rate for direct mailing ever

• 70% of Brazil’s top 100 companies signed the Global Compact

• 40% of Brazil’s top 1000 companies signed the Global Compact

• After its success, the EART4 campaign become global.

• The campaign was presented to national leaders at the iconic UN Assembly Hall.

• EART4 already has its IPO confirmed on stock exchanges in several countries

Please tell us how the brand purpose inspired the work

The UN's Global Compact is the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative.

B3 was the world's first stock exchange to sign the Global Compact. It's a company with a certified commitment to engage its stakeholders in the adoption of ESG best practices.

Just as they share the same commitment to the UN's goals, they also share the same purpose.

This commitment to address social, ethical, and environmental issues was the core of the EART4 project.

For both companies, the best result is the same. To connect brands with the UN's goals, improving their ESG practices and ensuring a better future for the planet.

In doing so, they impact their stakeholders, their communities, their country and, why not, the entire EARTH.

Is there any cultural context that would help the jury understand how this work was perceived by people in the country where it ran?

B3, formerly BM&FBOVESPA, is a stock exchange located in São Paulo. The most influential stock exchange in Brazil. One of the world´s largest financial market infrastructure companies, with a market cap of R$71.2471.24 billion. All the biggest Brazilian companies are listed there.

Note: In Brazilian Portuguese, EARTH is TERRA. So, TERR4 equals EART4.

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