Entertainment Lions For Sport > Excellence in Sports Entertainment




Gold Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Sport Entertainment?

Guaraná is a longtime sponsor of Brazil's women's football team. The Olympics were happening and, contrary to our main competitor - Coca-Cola - we weren't official sponsors.

We discovered that women's football prize money today is at the same level as men's was in the 80s. Also, there was a bill (PL 321/21) in congress that proposed equal prizes in sports.

We started the #StuckInThe80s movement with players to hijack the conversation and raise awareness. We then relaunched our 80s bottle in supermarkets as a reminder of the gap, making the country feel like they were in the 80s.


Guaraná is the second-highest selling soda in the country and an official sponsor of Brazil's Women Football Team. but not the Olympics. We had to make our presence known with a tight budget in an event where our main competitor - Coca-Cola - had all the spotlight and we couldn't even mention its name.

With the biggest sporting competition going on, we found some curious data: women’s football prizes TODAY are the same as men's were in the 80s. Add that to the fact that a bill proposing equal prize money in every sport - PL321/21 - was waiting for approval and we have the perfect cultural context.

So we hacked the Olympics through the players with the #StuckInThe80s movement and relaunched our 80s bottle as a constant reminder of the issue, which sparked a huge debate. The campaign was a success and PL321/21 was approved.

Describe the creative idea

Analysing data, we realised that women's football prize money today was at the same level as men's football in the 80s. We materialised the prize money gap in a time gap, as a way to draw attention to the bill PL321/21, which aimed for equal prizes for men and women in sports. With the Olympics around, we had a powerful context.

First, we drew attention to the #StuckInThe80s movement through National Team Players: they arrived in Tokyo dressed like the 80s and hijacked the conversation.

But if we wanted the bill to pass, we had to make everyone feel like they were in the past: we relaunched our bottle from the 80s to our more than 35 million monthly-consumers in supermarkets around the country as a constant reminder of inequality.

The campaign was a hit: the biggest football awards in Brazil was 80s-themed and the bill was finally approved.

Describe the strategy

Guaraná is a longtime sponsor of women's football. The Olympics were close and we needed to hack it. The insight was to transform the prize money gap into a time gap, which made the message visually tangible and more appealing to the public.

We also knew that socially-aware campaigns are engaging to our public, so we used our whole communication platform to support the approval of the Bill PL321/21, which proposed equal prize money for men and women in sports. And it worked.

First, we conveyed our message through the players as a way to hack the Olympics and make the media talk about it. After the debate was picked up by the press, we launched our own 80s bottles as a constant reminder of the gap.

Through the campaign, we constantly focused on the 80s aesthetics and nostalgic feeling to keep our message relevant.

Describe the execution

We had 2 main moments in the campaign:

Spark the debate: Players from the Brazilian National Team arrived in Tokyo dressed like the 80s and launched the campaign hashtag, drawing tons of attention from the press to the bill PL 321/21, which aimed for equal prizes for men and women.

Taking over: Then, we relaunched our 80s bottle to our more than 35 million monthly-consumers in supermarkets all over the country as a constant reminder of the prize money gap in football. The nostalgic feeling of a brand that people grew up with played a huge role in making noise.

The campaign was a hit: the bill was approved and even the biggest football award in Brazil, hosted by ESPN, was 80s-themed.

Describe the outcome

The campaign received a lot of coverage from the press: over 60 qualified press pickups, 3 times more than our main competitor during the Olympics!

Our target was deeply involved with the campaign, with the hashtag gathering over 180M earned impressions.

The 80s bottles became an instant success; the first batch was sold out in supermarkets all around Brazil in 24 hours and raised over U$2M for women's football.

After the movement, Bola de Prata, the biggest football award in Brazil, was 80s-themed and a woman was awarded for the first time ever.

And, most important of all, after the movement, Bill PL321/21 passed Congress, ensuring that from then on, EVERY sports prize money must be the same for men and women.

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