Creative Business Transformation > Business Design & Operations
Peru is one of the most macho mentally driven countries in the world.
Here, most women don't have the same opportunities as men to succeed economically in life.
For women, simply asking for a Loan is impossible without the permission of their spousses
The result is that millions of Peruvian women are financially dependent on men.
In the Peruvian financial system, banks have as a risk policy that for married woman to access a loan, she needs their husband signature as a mandatory.
But if the husband doesn't want her to have economic independence, he simply refuses to sign, leaving the woman without any opportunity.
In a country with the highest numbers of violence against women, this situation, in many cases, causes that thousands of women are obligated to live totally controlled by men, in their own houses.
How could we give Peruvian women real economic independence?
Strategy & Process
The situation of women in this country is terrible. Therefore, we knew that we had to provide a real solution to this problem, we had to go against the financial system. To achieve this, we had to transform our entire organization and our way of approaching our service to women. So we planned and designed a brave product that challenged the banking policies of the country. A product that challenged the macho and violent system in which Peruvian women are forced to live.
So we completely changed the way we see women: First, consider all married women in Peru as if they were single women. So that they do not depend economically on their husbands.
From this point on, we completely eliminate the need for the obligatory signature of the husband in all contracts and credit documents.
We eliminated the husband signature in the contracts.
This brave move defied all risk policies of the country's banking system. To achieve this we really had to change all the policies of our bank and above all, the way of thinking of all our workers about the gap between men and women, putting ourselves against the macho patriarchy without taking a step back.
Experience & Implementation
By launching this new loan, we positively impacted many women in the country.
Women forced to live totally economically controlled by their husbands.
Women forced to relegate their dreams.
Women forced to dedicate themselves only to raising their children and taking care of their home.
We empower them to get out of a situation of extreme dependency and to be masters of their own economy, with freedom.
We encouraged our employees and stakeholders to change their way of thinking towards the macho system and be activists against the gender gap.
With The Emancipation Loan, any woman can access to credit nationwide, in any town or city. Quickly, things changed for thousands of women. Many felt empowered and liberated to go after their dreams and make them happen. Many started businesses. Many began to earn their own money. And many get out of the male-controlled situation they were living.
Eliminating the husband's signature from the contracts was a real solution to financially emancipate Peruvian women and make them visible for the banks.
We acted against the policies of the Peruvian banking system, but we brought freedom and independence to thousands of women.
Business Results & Impact
The women's response to the Emancipation Loan was overwhelmingly positive.
In a few months the number of women who requested a loan increased by 180%
The value of the Credits granted to date amounts to 212 million Soles, an incredible achievement for this segment in the country.
The initiative ignited a nationwide discussion and gets more than 45 million organic impressions.
We achieved an amazing behavioral change in women regarding bank loans, thanks to this product, most Peruvian women now know that they can access to economic freedom and fulfill their dreams.
We invite other banks to also fight for the economic independence of women and many are joining and creating their own initiatives.
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