Innovation > Innovation


IQIYI, Beijing / IQIYII / 2020

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Case Film
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Why is this work relevant for Innovation?

65 countries researched over 130 films and concluded that only around 10% of all made films are kept today.

This is a common and expected occurrence, a rising number of old major works of art have been forgotten due to the dated graphics and the difficulty to preserve them.

IQIYI has made their own algorithms targeting black and white films, making sure that the audiences can enjoy an upgraded colorful viewing experience without losing the vintage looks and style of old films. 29 films, 70 tv series


Since the birth of film as an art form in the 19th century, film has become one of the important parts of our daily entertainment. As the crystallization of human culture, the social value and inheritance value of old films are priceless. However, there are only 10% of all films in the world have left.

More than 75% of films produced before 1914 have no copies left. In USA, only 14% of the silent films made before 1929 were survive, and 50% of the sound films made before 1950 have disappeared. In China, there are 3,000 films made during the early republic of China and now only left 300 copies.

Due to high costs and slow speeds manual color grading by film workers cannot and will not keep up with the ever increasing demands from audiences. We are in a crisis of losing all our old works of art.

Describe the idea

As an innovative market-leading online entertainment service in China, iQIYI's platform features highly popular original content, as well as a comprehensive library of other professionally-produced content, partner-generated content and user generated content.

But we found that our users rarely watch old films on iQIYI APP because of the lack of quality with the film and its color.

These old works of art represented generations and generations of artists and their hard work spent, however today they sit idle like an ancient artifact fading away to dust through time.

We decided to restore our classics and protect our art history. We has adopted ZoomAI technologies to restore old films to a more modern look. ZoomAI (Artificial Intelligence) studies old graphics, videos, and resolutions and greatly improves them to a modern day look. ZoomAI works at a 500 times faster speed compared to manual labor.

What were the key dates in the development process?

2017 - Idea Came up, we began to design the super resolution algorithm, which was the prototype of ZoomAI.

2018 - online super resolution, denoising sharpening, color enhancement, scratch removal and other algorithms were created.

2019 - development online intelligent interpolation, high-definition enhancement and other algorithms. Built a complete ZoomAI repair and enhancement system, in the film, TV, variety show, animation, children, documentaries and etc.

Describe the innovation / technology

ZoomAI is a complete video enhancement solution, which includes many submodules needed for video enhancement. Each submodule is an artificial intelligence model trained by deep learning.

Currently ZoomAI's sub-modules include: Super Resolution, Clarity Enhancement, Denoising Sharpen, Scratch Removal, Color Enhancement, Frame Rate Enhancement, etc.

ZoomAI repair is mainly divided into two processes: training and repair.

In the training process, we fond tens of millions of photos before and after the repair of the machine training, so that the computer should learn how to deal with different picture problems, such as we will reduce the bottom noise, remove scratches, but also on the people and objects to do sharpening processing, improve the definition.

After lots of training, ZoomAI system will be very intelligent, and can automatically choose the repair scheme (which sub-modules to execute) according to the situation of the medium, and complete the task well. For example, for animation, color is more important, we added a bright color enhancement model.

We created a whole repair system and listed all the media resources of iQIYI in it. Just one click. Dozens of computers will start to analyze the film, intelligently repair each frame automatically.

Describe the expectations / outcome

With the development of AI technology to restore old art pieces. It not only reproduces and better preserves the art and culture of the time, but also brings more movie-watching experiences and choices to more modern users.

ZoomAI works at a 500 times faster speed compared to manual labor, it only takes 12 hours to restore a 2 hour film where a team of 10 film makers will need 20 days to do the same job.

iQIYI has successfully restored 29 old films and 70 old TV series.

The restoration of old movies and TV series also brought an average of 14,000 daily views and 25,000 viewing hours to the iQIYI APP.

The old restored film 'Diary of a Nurse' was officially listed in the "Cannes International Film Festival".

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