Entertainment > Branded Entertainment


TEAM ONE, El Segundo / LEXUS / 2012

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In the US, traditional forms of advertising have become less effective in reaching consumers that are now engaging with media over multiple platforms and devices offering thousands of entertainment and information content options. This has created an even greater challenge when trying to reach the affluent, as they are 59% more likely to own a DVR than the general US population. 58% of affluent DVR users frequently fast-forward through advertising breaks and they are 31% more likely to seek video and broadcast content online than the average US consumer.The result of this continued fragmentation has been an increase in branded entertainment efforts to connect with consumers across different platforms and combat the declining efficacy of more traditional advertising executions like the 30-second TV spot.

We developed the Fresh Perspectives branded entertainment program to create a deeper, emotional connection with the target audience and to build affinity for the Lexus CT200h through a culturally relevant and unique content series.


Lexus was in trouble. Its buyers were aging at an alarming rate, and consideration amongst the important emerging affluentials of Generation X/Y was falling far behind BMW, Audi and Mercedes. It was imperative for Lexus to appeal to the younger set with relevant new product and fresh positioning, aligning with the cutting edge design and innovative features expected by Gen X/Y car buyers.Lexus’ answer was the CT200h, an all-new entry-level hybrid hatchback that challenged conventional thinking.The Marketing Challenge: Make this new product relevant to the highly sceptical, deeply digital, and advertising adverse audience that makes up Gen X/Y.The Approach: Be a new kind of Lexus - a young, hipper version that changes consumer perception about Lexus being an older, boring luxury brand. Strike a balance between appealing to next generation buyers and maintaining the Lexus luxury heritage. Prove youthful and cool can equal luxury.

The Solution: Fresh Perspectives, an original docu-reality series showcasing 6 young, hip artists from different mediums. These were not your typical gallery-centric fine artists, but rather the innovative and buzz-worthy creative types who fit Generation X/Y’s evolving definition of artistic relevance. Each artist was challenged to create convention-breaking original pieces of art around 3 shared communication and creative pillars; Escape, Challenge and Empower. To make things even more interesting, they were only given 24 hours to complete each of their works.Over 30 videos were produced profiling the 6 up-and-coming artists, their creative process documentaries, and 24 hour time lapse videos of each artist immersed in the creative process. Artists were from various regions of the US and ranged in talent from an R&B singer to a paper sculptor to a fashion designer, all working toward a common goal – to bring the CT inspired creative platform ‘Breaking Convention’ to life in their medium.


To drive organic content discovery among Gen X/Y (ages 18-45) over 30 original videos were produced and distributed through an immersive Xbox Live content hub driving 278,000+ video views. To create engagement at scale, online paid media and editorial coverage across Microsoft Media Network drove 2.18m visitors to the Fresh Perspectives hub within MSN.com. All content was accompanied by simple-to-use sharing functionality for Facebook and Twitter allowing audience members to distribute content across their social networks. The talent featured in the programming also participated by distributing their unique creations and video content to their personal blogs and social networks.


The Fresh Perspectives branded entertainment program was a huge success; driving significant increases in key brand perception measures and driving down the median age of all Lexus buyers due to the influx of new Gen X/Y customers seeking the CT. The CT Hybrid has become a major player in a segment previously dominated by German competitors.Lexus perception scores among Gen X/Y saw an 8% increase in Right Vehicle for Me, 7% increase in Cutting Edge Design and 4% increase in Innovation measures. Hybrid vehicle shoppers were 85% more likely to consider purchasing the Lexus CT Hybrid after being exposed to Fresh Perspectives. Finally, the Gen X/Y composition of Lexus buyer’s increased by 25% after the CT launch, driving down the median age of all Lexus buyers from 60 to 57 years old.

The campaign also drove significant buzz with 5.8MM social media impressions via content shared across blogs, Twitter and Facebook. Word of mouth exposure was strong, especially within Xbox where 53% of Fresh Perspectives content hub visitors told a friend about the vehicle and 24% visited a Lexus dealer. In addition, the campaign exceeded content hub visitor goals by 60% and projected time spent by 17%.

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