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Silver Cannes Lions
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As «Producteur Commerçant», Intermarché is the only mass distribution brand able to change the composition of its products. That is why we worked directly with the Saint-Père-en-Retz’s dairy production unit (and its R&D division) to give life to a new approach.

SUGAR DETOX is a 6 steps program that helps people to get used, step by step, to less sugar-filled products. With SUGAR DETOX, we launched a range of products with individual portions and cup after cup declining sugar rate. Cup after cup, we kept the same recipe with a decreasing sugar rate, ending up with a cup that has 50% less sugar than the first one! Step by step, we discover a less sweet recipe, but not a less tasty one.

The production lines of our Saint-Père-en-Retz dairy production were adapted to this new product in order to produce 6 different recipes in one affordable to all pack!


From the cups to the prints, including the packaging, all the elements of the campaign were designed to illustrate the concept of SUGAR DETOX with a panel of colors used to show the sugar decrease and the different sugar rates.

On each cup of the pack, you actually have a unique SUGAR DETOX logo and unique sugar rate with its particular color on the stickers. That way, you will easily get the cup you need to follow your program. The concept is also clearly expressed on the packaging with the patterns on the top (from the darker to the lighter), the different recipes on the back with the sugar rate as the only one difference between each cup !

All the items of the campaign (prints, in store promotions, TV spot, flyers, outdoor, social media...) express the concept of SUGAR DETOX with the different colors and its adaptation on the catch phrases.


The results were outstanding. SUGAR DETOX was an immediate success in store. So much, that in the first 3 days of the campaign, we went out of supply of SUGAR DETOX x6 packs. Our daily sales of yogurts were multiplied by 3 800 % per store and global in store traffic increased by 30% overall.

A survey was lead in store to have a direct feedback from the consumers who test the SUGAR DETOX : 87 % of those who test the program in store, announce their intention to buy 50% packs in the future !

The media liked and spread this innovative idea: 56 millions media and social media impressions were generated in the first days (press, TV, social media, blogs…) and the #SucreDetox (#SugarDetox) has spread quickly on the web with an organic Trending Topic on Twitter the first days.


With SUGAR DETOX, Intermarché (the 3rd french retailer) lead its clients to decrease their sugar intake in every day life thanks to an innovative program that point out their overconsumption of sugar and its dangers. SUGAR DETOX is a pioneer experience that aims to prove that we can easily accept a sugar reduction step by step and intend to change our minds and habits.


To launch this new concept and reach the largest audience, we chose the most popular and best-selling product: the chocolate yogurt. An iconic product for French meals loved by the youngest ones to the oldest and ate at any time and circumstances (lunch, snacks, family meals...).

In store, the clients discovered the SUGAR DETOX x6 packs in shelves with a tasting stand. That way, they could taste and fell the effects of the program in 2 minutes : going step by step to the 50% cup. With a quick interview, we were able to know if they were ready to change their habits regarding to this test asking them:

- their intention to by 50% packs in the future

- their perception on the price

- if they would like to see the concept developed with other aromas

- if they would like to see the concept developed with other products


Today, a French citizen consumes an average of 70 grams of sugar per day, which is the equivalent of 14 coffee spoons. The WHO recommends to reduce our free sugar intake down to 25 daily grams. In other words - by more than a half. Diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases: this sugar overconsumption can trigger many health problems. For the past few years, health experts and medias are pulling the alarm bell and pointing out the addictive effect of sugar.

But even though this overconsumption is at the core of the French preoccupations, only a few solutions are offered to help them change their habits.

Intermarché is the only French retailer to produce its goods in its own production units in France. In order to launch and explain its new marketing strategy «Producteur Commerçant» («Farmer/Retailer») in France, Intermarché is looking for actions which prove this competitive edge.

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