Direct > Use of Direct Marketing


SERVICEPLAN, Munchen / METRO / 2016


Silver Cannes Lions
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To DRAW ATTENTION to the METRO’S traceability services and to show the freshness of METRO’s fish, we CLEVERY INTRIGUE the customers IN-STORE WITH A PACKAGING IDEA for their fish purchases. We use the most established way to show being up-to-date: THE DAILY NEWSPAPER, which also happens to be the TRADITIONAL WAY TO WRAP FISH. But this time, we give it a twist. Therefore, we ask our partner fishermen TO SHIP SELECTED QUANTITIES of freshly caught fish with the LATEST ISSUES OF THEIR LOCAL NEWSPAPER. Every time a customer in the store buys a fish from that special batch, his purchase is wrapped in a page from THIS VERY NEWSPAPER. A specially designed sticker highlights the date of the catch while a CALL-TO-ACTION LEADS TO THE APP.


From April to May, partner fishermen ship selected quantities of FRESHLY CAUGHT FISH with THE LATEST ISSUES OF THEIR LOCAL NEWSPAPER to different METRO stores. Every time a METRO customer buys a fish from that special batch, his purchase is WRAPPED IN A PAGE FROM THIS NEWSPAPER. Call-to-actions on the weight receipt – containing QR-Code, price and weight, encourage customers to use the METRO PRO TRACE app. A specially designed sticker on the wrapping holds the package together and highlights the date of both the newspaper and the catch.


The result: During the 4-week promotion, the METRO PRO TRACE app was DOWNLOADED ABOUT 6000 TIMES. Also the GROWING INTERACTION with the app proves that more customers wanted to find out more about the origin, the date of the catch and the fishing grounds of METRO. Furthermore, the customers and bystanders were convinced: their curiosity about the unseen packaging RAISED PURCHASES of the selected fish about 68 PERCENT. In fact, it was not only a factual proof of freshness but also a CHANGE OF PERCEPTION: a mass product appeared as UNIQUE AND TRUSTWORTHY; a big professional supplier came off as TANGIBLE AND PERSONAL.


The work is relevant for this category because it uses FAMILIAR AND TRADITIONAL PACKAGING with a CLEVER AND EASY TWIST, not only to enhance customer relations, but also to promote and raise the usage of METRO’S TRACEABILITY SERVICES, e.g. the METRO PRO TRACE app.


First and foremost, METRO is one of the most important suppliers for BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS. Customers in this target group SIGNIFICANTLY VALUE TRUST – especially when it comes to products that must be handled with care. As most customers work in gastronomy and produce dishes with METRO’s fish, it is very important for them TO KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THE PRODUCT THEY PURCHASE. Thanks to the METRO services like the PRO TRACE app, they are able to do so. By using the newspaper, a traditional packaging material, in an innovative way, we cleverly surprise and inform our customers about PRODUCT ORIGIN AND DATE OF CATCH. Furthermore, our call-to-action encourages customers to use the METRO PRO TRACE app.


METRO is Europe’s biggest supplier of fresh fish. Thanks to its direct connection to fishermen, METRO can deliver its fish in THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE TIME –

fish swimming in the sea one day can be in the store on the next. The brief was to create a way for METRO customers to INSTANTLY RECOGNIZE THE FRESHNESS of METRO’s fish – and to ENHANCE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT with the product by USING METRO’S TRACEABILITY SERVICES like the METRO PRO TRACE app.

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