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Write a short summary of what happens in the film.

Dragon Quest Walk is a location-based and Augmented Reality mobile version of the globally popular Japanese role-playing game, Dragon Quest. This promotional drama was created to announce the one-year anniversary from launch. In order to have our target realize that they can easily change their lives into adventure through this game, the path this game has walked, is connected to the walk of Life. Because many Japanese people are unable to outwardly express love, especially to those very close, we wanted the target to enjoy the feature of this game by moving together with another player. The strategy was to enable players to utilize this game as a communication tool to strengthen the bond with their family or loved one. This drama shows brothers who lost their father early, growing up caring about each other, and is a manifestation of the concept of this game, Life is a Quest.

Cultural / Context information for the jury

Our target was game players who had never tried Dragon Quest Walk. The Dragon Quest series is a globally popular Role-playing adventure game which has sold 80 million in the 35 years from launch, and many players have played some type of Dragon Quest game. The series has walked along with the lives of the target. In order to convey the appeal of Dragon Quest Walk, which synchronizes with those who play, a drama showing the experiential values that can be derived from the game was expressed as part of the lives of players. Japanese people are too shy to physically or verbally express love, especially toward family and those close to them. Therefore, we hear the true feelings of the younger brother off camera, to dramatize how the game can play a key role in tying the brothers together.

Provide the full film script in English.

This drama features game-loving brothers who lost their father in early childhood. The older brother takes good care of his younger brother, taking on the role of father as well. He has supported and looked after his brother. Not wanting his young brother to feel lonely or see how hard life is, the big brother is always telling white lies. But the younger brother knows exactly what his older brother is trying to hide. The two grow up, and although too shy to express their true caring feelings, they try to connect with each other through Dragon Quest Walk. This heart-warming drama, about how a very realistic RPG connects the feeling of the brothers, is a manifestation of the concept of this game, Life is a Quest.

The brothers

The brothers are 5 years apart. When the big brother was 7 and the little brother 2-years-old, their father died of illness. Their mother brings them up working hard with two jobs, daytime and night-time. A boy with a strong sense of responsibility, the older brother has always supported his little brother, cared and watched over him, taking on the role of father as well. So as not to make his little brother feel lonely or see life’s hardships, he tells a lot of white lies, but the little brother gradually learns to recognize these kind lies.

The setting

The two brothers grow up, and live in a slightly larger apartment with their mother. The big brother was a bit shy about letting his little brother know about his plans to marry, partly because he had been taking care of his little brother all his life, and couldn’t imagine parting with him (plus, it was difficult to come out with it, including concern for his mother). He decides to wait for his little brother at the station so that he could pretend they met coincidentally while he was playing Dragon Quest Walk, and create a chance to talk. The little brother recognizes his feelings, and by using the Dragon Quest Walk as a trigger, he also decides to keep this connection with his big brother.

The big brother

The big brother is very dependable, and has spent most of his life dedicating himself to his mother and brother, and always putting his little brother first. He is not good at expressing his feelings, and is extremely shy, but is very supportive, not detail-minded and quite manly.

The little brother

The little brother grew up being supported by his big brother, with the gentle care of his mother. Because he was always very attentive about his brother’s true feelings, he has grown to be very sensitive and considerate toward people’s feelings. Compared to his big brother, he is more articulate and gets along well with others. During his adolescence, his brother’s thoughtfulness bothered him and made him rebel, but now that he has grown up, he is very grateful to his brother.

We open on an evening shot of the station.

The big brother pretends they just happened to meet.

The little brother is surprised to find his big brother.


Little Brother: What are you doing out here?

The big brother is playing Dragon Quest Walk on his smartphone.

And tries to get away with it.


Big Brother: Um. Playing Dragon Quest Walk.


Big Brother: The Mega Monster appeared around here.

The little brother realizes his big bro is lying, and quietly says to himself,


Little Brother: Don’t lie, Big Bro.

We cut to a scene where the two are still kids.

The big brother 14, the little brother is 9.

They are in front of a convenience store.

The big bro hands his favorite basketball shoes to his little brother.


Big Brother: I’m tired of these, so they’re yours.

He is eating ice cream, and although a bit lost, he receives the shoes.


Little Brother: Thanks.

We hear a voice-over of the now grown-up little brother.

He recognizes his big brother’s kind lie.


Little Brother (off) : Don’t lie. You took good care of these.

The scene is an evening park.

We see the two playing basketball.

The big brother tells another gentle white lie.


Big Brother: The team’s no fun, so I’m quitting.

We hear a voice-over of the now grown-up little brother.

He recognizes his big brother’s kind lie.


Little Brother (off): Don’t lie. You wanted to continue.

The scene changes and we are in front of a newspaper distributor.

It is pouring rain, and the big brother is delivering papers.

He has started newspaper delivery to help out with the money,

and had quit his club activity for that.

He comes home and seems tired. The little brother looks at him.


Little Brother: Hi.

The big brother tells another white lie.


Big Brother: I was out with friends.

We hear a voice-over of the now grown-up little brother.

He recognizes his big brother’s kind lie.


Little Brother (off): Don’t lie. I know you were working.

We cut to the two brothers getting into bed.

The mother is working late to bring up the kids.

We hear the little brother sound lonely as he asks about Mom.


Little Brother: Is Mom going to be late again?

The big brother tells another kind lie.

But we see that he also looks a bit sad.


Big Brother: Less hassle. Just us.

We hear a voice-over of the now grown-up little brother.

He recognizes his big brother’s kind lie.


Little Bro (off): Don’t lie. I know you’re lonely too.

We cut to the mother coming home. She has hurried home feeling guilty.


Mother: Sorry I’m late. Did he fall asleep?

The big brother acts like nothing is bothering him.

Big Brother: Yeah, just a while ago.

We cut to a snowing scene at school.

The big brother comes all the way to deliver the bento lunch his brother forgot.

He tells another kind lie.


Big Brother: I had to come this way anyway.


Little Brother: Thanks.

We hear a voice-over of the now grown-up little brother.

He recognizes his big brother’s kind lie.

Little Brother (off): Don’t lie. I know you came all the way.

We cut to a scene in a restaurant.

They are celebrating the little brother’s birthday.

The mother and big brother hand him his present.


Big Brother & Mother: Happy Birthday!


Little Brother: Thanks.

We are now at a game center.

The big brother is worried about his little brother,

who has started to go out with delinquents.

He tries to force him out.

Again, he tells a kind white lie.


Big Bro: Come with me. I need to buy something.

Little Bro: What!

We hear a voice-over of the now grown-up little brother.

He recognizes his big brother’s kind lie.


Little Bro (off): Don’t lie. You were worried.

We cut to their apartment.

The big brother is concerned about his looks, but gives contrary advice to his little brother.


Big Bro: Appearance isn’t everything.

The little brother, now grown up, makes a comment to his brother, to himself.


Little Bro (off): Sure. You know it is.

We cut to an evening scene at their apartment.

The little brother is surprised at how early his big brother comes home.


Little Bro: You’re back early!

The big brother lies, being a bit vain.

Big Bro: Girls are such a pain.

We cut to a scene that shows what happened earlier in the daytime.

At the park, the girl dumps the big brother.


Girlfriend: I’m out of here.

We hear a voice-over of the now grown-up little brother.

He recognizes that his brother is lying to cover up.

Little Bro (off): I know she dumped you.

The scene changes to a night shot in the park.

The big brother is playing basketball, and the little brother watches.

Again, the big brother tells a white lie.


Big Bro: College isn’t for me.

We see that the big brother has college brochures in his bag.

Again, we hear a voice-over of the now grown-up little brother.

He recognizes his big brother’s kind lie.


Little Bro (off): Don’t lie. I know you wanted to go.

We cut to the two now, and they are grown up.

It is morning, and the big brother is preparing to meet his fiance’s parents.

Just like old times, he is concerned about how he looks, but gives conflicting advice to his little brother.


Big Bro: It’s the heart that counts.

We hear a voice-over of the little brother.

He knows about his big brother, and is watching over with a warm look.


Little Bro (off): You haven’t gotten over it.

We insert a shot of the big brother, as he is at his fiance’s parents’ house to meet them.


Big Bro: Please, sir.

We cut to the family apartment.

The big brother is hesitant about getting married, since he is worried about his little brother and mother.

The little brother speaks.

They are doing the everyday household chores, but there is a bit of melancholy.


Little Bro: Don’t worry about me anymore.

The big brother says another kind, white lie.


Big Bro: I’m not worried.

The big brother thinks about his little brother.

We see flashbacks of all the kind white lies.

And we hear the little brother’s line as a voice-over.


Little Bro (off): Don’t lie.

The little brother congratulates his brother gently.


Little Bro: Congratulations.

We cut to the evening shot at the station, where the movie started.

There are two birds that symbolize the relationship between the two.

The brother has decided to get married and leave the house.

But he is shy about coming out with it.


Big Bro: Umm. I…

The little brother knows exactly how his big brother is feeling.

So he interrupts him by taking out his smartphone and says he too, is going to start playing Dragon Quest Walk.


Little Bro: Hey Big Bro, I’m starting too.

Big Bro: Starting what?


Little Bro: Dragon Quest Walk


Big Bro: Why, all of a sudden?

The big brother looks onto the game his little brother has just started.

He is shy but makes a comment.


Big Bro: You haven’t nailed it yet.


Little Bro: Guess not.

The little brother comes out with the real reason he has started playing this game.


Little Bro: Just thought it’s a good reason to walk with you.

Then, the big brother tells another kind lie.


Big Bro: OK. Then let’s take a detour. I have plenty of time.

The little brother laughs gently.


Little Bro: (laughs)


Big Bro: What!

We hear the voice-over of the younger brother.

He knows that his big brother’s gentle words are white lies.


Little Bro (off): Don’t lie.

The climax scene, where we can see into the feelings of the two, who want to treasure the time they spend together walking while playing Dragon Quest Walk together.

We see the titles come on screen as the brothers show a very positive feel of connecting with each other, as they walk off, playing the game together.

Copy: Just walk. Life is a quest.


VO: Dragon Quest Walk

Titles: A life with WALK

   Augmented Reality mobile game.




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