Health and Wellness > Health Services & Corporate Communications
VMLY&R, São Paulo / AMARO / 2022
During the pandemic, many women stopped scheduling preventive exams, and doctors feared a soaring escalation of breast cancer cases around the country. Breast cancer is a form of cancer highly preventable by regular self-examination followed by doctor appointments in the case of abnormalities, but due to social distancing, this wasn’t observed properly. Amaro, the biggest retail tech in LATAM, wanted to do something to help, seeing that the majority of their clients are women.
Describe the creative idea
Using the new Instagram e-commerce tool, we created a special tag – The Virtual Nodule – and placed them over the breats of our models in our marketplace, with messages about breast cancer awareness and the importance of scheduling/self checking. It was a way to surprise our costumers – mostly female – on a place they were not expecting, an e-commerce platform, and use that surprise effect to make them act. Each tag had direct links to information and medical scheduling without leaving the platform. A quick and effective way to follow through and do more than just awareness.
Describe the strategy
As the biggest retail tech in LATAM, Amaro has a huge page visibility and social media visualization whenever a new collection hit the stores. On the new Instagram e-commerce tool, this is even stronger. And we used this to our advantage – when women entered expecting to see the new clothes and models, they were surprised by the message.
Describe the execution
The Virtual Nodule happened during October – the official month of cancer prevention awareness – and we put the idea on air exclusively on Instagram marketplace. We used the launch of a new collection to gather momentum and use the early visits and clicks to enhance the effects of the posts. Each SKU had a tag with a message, linking it to a special information page and scheduling interface without the need to leave social media.
List the results
99% positive sentiment on social media
25% of women booked exams
3’42” average time on each post
#1 Top interaction posts in company history
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