Health and Wellness > B: Education & Services


FABRICA, Ponzano Veneto / FABRICA / 2015


Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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The campaign launched was through social media addressed to a wide audience. FACING wants to reach a global public via the web. Therefore there weren't particular regulations, regarding communication, that FACING followed. It aims to raise general awareness about acid attacks and violence against women, with information regarding the subject. The project talks about the issue in a general approach, and the information provided was based on research as well as information provided by SmileAgain. Local and national newspapers attended the event with Iram Saeed, while other websites have published the project by their own initiative and interest towards FACING.


The main goal is to raise awareness about violence against women, in particular acid attacks; and further support SmileAgain fvg and fundraise through the web to help them continue their work. FACING was conceived as an art project, that further developed into a collaboration with Iram Saeed, an activist and victim of acid attack, in support of SmileAgain fvg. The objective is to give visibility to the issue and the association by attracting the audience to beautiful and inspiring portraits that talk about a social issue. Acid was used to create beauty, instead of destroying it. Smileagain fvg gives voice and helps women victims of acidification particularly in Pakistan. The core value of Smileagain is precisely to invite this women to smile once more; inspire them, give them help and mainly hope; therefor, FACING aims to talk about this issue, rather than with shocking images, in an inspiring way.


FACING has the first goal of raising awareness not only regarding acid attacks, but about gender inequality and domestic violence; to later on invite the audience to participate actively, not only donating for SmileAgain's work, but even to support the associations, within their country, that support women victims of violence, demand governments to create and apply law, etc. It's an art project that becomes a statement representing female gender through beautiful portraits on metal, where acid reveal women's faces, creating beauty. The target is an adult audience, who could take action and stop violence and aim for gender equality.


Acid attacks have been covered by news, documentaries, video and photography; regardless of new laws, it still occurs, and in some places the numbers are on the rise. FACING talks about this subject, but with a new twist: through art, acid is used to create beauty instead of destroying it. FACING is not a conventional campaign, it's an art project, it's a different way of approaching violence, drawing the audience's attention with beautiful portraits, instead of shocking images. It was first launched in November, and further on developed into a collaboration with pakistani activist Iram Saaed, victim of an acid attack. A spot was created and launched in the web to support SmileAgain fvg, and their website is being redesigned in order to give them visibility and help them transmit a clear message and information. The art pieces are meant to be exhibited in different places. FACING still goes on.


FACING aims to give visibility to acid attacks and the associations that give support to this women throughout the world; is an ongoing and growing project that is currently collaborating with SmileAgain fvg, for whom the project aims to raise money for them to be able to continue developing health facilities in Multan, Pakistan; they provide surgery for victims, education for health personnel and staff; training for acid attacks victims so they can work and be independent, among other activities. The association aims to raise awareness about the issue and continue their labour.

The collaboration with Iram Saeed was covered by local and national newspapers in Italy, such as Sole24Ore, and TV such as Antena3 and Rai. FACING is ongoing; the exhibition aims to travel the world and continue the collaboration with women from different countries to support more associations.


FACING was conceived as non traditional campaign. It's an art project that drags the audience to a social issue by engaging them with beautiful art pieces, to further on talk about the soul of the project and raise awareness about acid attacks. The strategy is to spread the message through an itinerary exhibition,conformed by 2.5x2.5 meter art pieces, created with acid, alongside a video of the collaboration with Iram Saeed, supporting SmileAgain. Focus in social media and web promotion to reach a bigger audience. SmileAgain will be positioned through the promotion of FACING; and their website is being rebuilt in order to spread proper information and invite people to participate, engage and hopefully donate for the cause.

Is a direct activation that has immediate response from an audience during an exhibition, and from a wider and bigger public through social media.


Every year hundreds of women are brutally scarred with corrosive substances. Although it's a type of violence usually associated to eastern countries, it happens in a global scale: Pakistan, India, Colombia, Cambodia, England, Italy, and many more. The causes of this attacks - which typically occur in the poorest and culturally backward population - are attributable to obsessive forms, jealousy, suspected infidelity, insufficient dowry, poor sexual submissiveness, among other petty reasons. The physical and psychological consequences for the victims often involve blindness, deafness, loss of smell, mutism, serious problems of motility, acute depression, and forms of disintegration of personality.

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