Health and Wellness > A: Consumer Products
Diaper brands in Brazil used to communicate in the same way to their target: the old famous pretty little cuddly babies smiling and laughing all the time. That's when Huggies shifted it's focus to mothers, showing they understand motherhood is a challenging phase full of doubts and insecurities. It was the perfect moment for the brand to approach their target in a new way, developing a branded content that could reinforce it's global positioning of "being there for every mom" and inspire women to show their pride of being a mother.
The relationship between mother and child begins long before birth. And the most anticipated moment during pregnancy is when she can meet him or her during the ultrasound exam. An experience that blind moms-to-be can not have. To prove that Huggies helps mothers to overcome all the challenges of motherhood we allowed them to “see” their babies through a 3D-printed sculpture made from the ultrasound exam files. Their real stories turned into a 4-film online campaign on social networks entitled "#CountingTheDays", including versions with audio description for the visually impaired. All bringing a direct and universal message: every mother deserves to embrace each moment with their baby.
Our goal was to take advantage of the most sensitive time of the year for women - the weeks leading up to Mother's Day - to create an universal message that could be relevant to our target and inspire women to share their pride of being a mother. And more than that, to inspire them to make the most of each moment with her child.
The 4-film campaign with appealing stories of how 3D printing technology gave blind moms-to-be an unforgettable experience was launched for Huggies’ Brazil 2 million fans and followers on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and naturally turned into a highly shareable content. Each video had a versions with audio description for the visually impaired, proving the brand truly cares about every mother. All that was associated with an aggressive PR strategy and a global partnership with Google’s TrueView and Facebook’s VideoAds platforms, generating impact on millions of people around the world during the most sensitive time of the year for women: the weeks leading up to Mother's Day.
In just one week the campaign exploded in social and mainstream media:
• More than 60 million people impacted in at least 30 countries
• 2.3 billion media impressions
• 6+ million views on YouTube and Facebook
• US$ 8+ million worth in earned media, including segments in The Huffington Post, Time Magazine, People Magazine, ABC TV, CBS News, CNN, FOX News, New York Daily News, UK Daily Mail, The Telegraph, Mirror, RTL Nieuws, Rede Globo, Mashable, BuzzFeed, FastCompany, C|Net, Reddit and more.
The scope of the campaign even ignited a media debate on the use of technologies such as 3D printing for medical purposes and has already being referred as a benchmark in pre natal care. But most importantly, it inspired women all over the world to express their pride of being a mother.
For a woman there’s nothing more influential than listening to another woman. Especially when facing the challenges of raising a baby. So we went on a mission to find moms with one of the toughest of all challenges: visual impairment. And showed that even in a case like this they can count on Huggies. We created a series of 4 films telling the appealing true stories of how we allowed visually impaired mothers-to-be to "see" their unborn babies during the ultrasound exam like every other mom using 3D print technology, turning them into a highly shareable content capable of touching the heart of every women. The campaign entitled "#CountingTheDays" aimed on showing a new use for this kind of technology and was meant to become a symbol of Huggies' commitment all kinds of mothers.
Huggies is the segment’s first brand to shift its focus to mothers other than the babies, positioning itself as a real partner for all the challenges of motherhood. Nearly 3 million women become pregnant each year in Brazil and have the chance of seeing their unborn babies during the ultrasound exam. But among these, close to 45,600 are visually impaired and can not live this moment. Our idea was to provide an experience they never imagined and turn it into a way of inspiring every mother to make the most of each moment with their child.
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