Audio & Radio > Radio & Audio: Sectors
DAVID, Madrid / BURGER KING / 2021
Write a short summary of what happens in the radio or audio work.
The world is going through a lot of changes, and things can get pretty confusing.
That's why it's the perfect time to promote our most confusing Whopper®?:
The Impossible Whopper®: 100% Whopper®?, 0% meat.
Confused? Let us explain:
In this witty campaign, a voice over makes a series of observations about how confusing the times we live in are. In each spot, the narrator ironically depicts events we can all relate to with a mix of surprise and resignation.
These are confusing times. The perfect time for the Burger King Impossible Whopper®. A Whopper made without beef that tastes just like… a Whopper®.
Translation. Provide a full English translation of any audio.
SFX: Thoughtful piano song
MVO: (delivered in a very thoughtful, austere way.)
It’s all so confusing… nowadays.
Terrance knows that shaking hands is not okay, but bumping elbows is. Terrance also knows that he should sneeze into his elbow. Now Terrance is… he’s confused.
Haley is more excited to take her dog out the house than her dog is. This new dynamic… They’re both confused.
Dustin bought a book on climate change, but it’s shipped from England, by plane. Wrapped in plastic. Now he’s… confused.
Vegan shoes. Confused.
It’s all so confusing. Which makes it the perfect time for the Burger King Impossible WHOPPER®. A WHOPPER® made without beef... that tastes just like… a WHOPPER®.
I mean…
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