Health and Wellness > Health Awareness & Advocacy
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Gawkers shamelessly take photos of victims and impede life-saving rescue operations with their morbid curiosity. We wanted to help paramedics in trying to save life-saving time, to protect the personal rights of victims and to help initiate a change in the thinking amongst gawkers.
Therefore, we developed the Anti-Look. An innovative digital pattern based on the latest multi-angle QR-technology which work on moving objects and inclined surfaces – fitting to the reality of a rescue operation. In doing so, we took advantage of the fact that modern smartphone cameras automatically recognize QR codes. We managed to get around the strict German design guidelines for rescue equipment and hid QR-Codes in our design pattern. Covering cars, paramedics and equipment - tricking every Gawker in Germany and making our 750,000 rescue operations per year move faster.
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